(a)   Purpose. These design standards and specifications shall serve as the minimum requirements for the handling of surface water and drainage. These procedures and standards shall govern the development of all new or modified drainage systems. The development of such drainage systems shall include the conveyance of surface water to an adequate outlet, which is capable of carrying the flow. The design engineer's highest design priority shall be to eliminate the possibility of any loss of life or major loss of property.      
   (b)   Master Drainage Plan Requirement. A Master Drainage Plan for the total development area shall be prepared for all sites and shall be presented to the Municipality's Engineer for review and preliminary drainage approval prior to initiating detailed engineering designs. The Master Drainage Plan does not constitute a detailed working design or plan from which storm sewer improvements can be constructed, nor is such detail necessary to meet the objectives of preliminary drainage review. The Master Drainage Plan shall be reviewed by the Municipality's Engineer prior to initiating detailed site engineering designs. The required content of the Master Drainage Plan is as follows:
      (1)   A topographic contour map, with the drainage area delineated, with a plan for draining the total upstream tributary watershed through the proposed development.
      (2)   A topographic map with at least 2-foot contours, with general layout of the proposed inlets and storm sewers for the total development showing all existing drainage structures with size and invert elevations.
      (3)   The capacity of the downstream open channel, culvert or storm sewer that may be used for an outlet.
      (4)   The points downstream that may be used as a control to affirm the maximum allowable release rate of stormwater runoff for the design storm.
      (5)   The routing path to be provided for runoff in the event the drainage facilities' capacity is exceeded. This path will become part of a grading plan, which will be submitted with detail plans. The routing path should be continuous from one development to the next.
      (6)   Stormwater management basins shall be located on the plan and shall become part of the routing path.
      (7)   Excess stormwater shall be kept out of proposed habitable structures.
   (c)   Adequate Drainage Outlet. Surface water runoff from a development shall be drained off site to an adequate drainage outlet. The location of the outlet shall be approved by the Municipality's Engineer and may consist of a ditch, stream, storm sewer, or approved detention basin having sufficient capacity to accommodate the surface water runoff in an engineered manner.
   (d)   Stormwater Management Design Report. A stormwater management design report shall be prepared for all developing sites by a professional engineer registered in the State of Ohio and shall be presented to the Municipality's Engineer for review and approval as part of the site plan approval process. No site improvement activities shall occur until this design report is approved by the Municipal Engineer. This report shall include a general summary describing the proposed stormwater water quality and quantity management features that are proposed for the site development and shall include design documentation and back up calculations demonstrating general compliance with appropriate sections of this chapter.
   (e)   Drainage Easements.
      (1)   An adequate utility easement conveyed to the Municipality that provides access for Municipal personnel shall be required along any tile, pipe, detention basin, drainage way, flood routing path, ditch, watercourse, natural stream, man-made stream, storm sewer or any other watercourse deemed necessary by the Administrator which is not already within the street right-of-way. The easement shall be of sufficient width to allow cleaning, widening, deepening, replacing or other general maintenance of such drainage course or piped system. Dimensions of required easements are defined in the City of Groveport Municipality's Subdivision Regulations, Section 1112.12.
      (2)   When it is necessary to convey stormwater outside the property lines of a proposed improved area in order to discharge into an adequate outlet, the Developer:
         A.   Shall be responsible to obtain easements and/or maintenance agreements, in a form and substance satisfactory to the Administrator, from abutting property owners,
         B.   Shall remain responsible for the maintenance of such drainage course unless the easements and/or maintenance agreements require the abutting property owners to repair and maintain the drainage course satisfactorily.
      (3)   All drainage easements, preservation areas, reserves and other similar areas shall be shown on the "final engineering and construction plan(s)". Drainage easements for all on-site drainage system improvements shall be recorded for public use by final plat. For off-site drainage systems improvements, easements should be recorded for public use by either final plat or separate instrument. The maintenance of such drainage easements shall be undertaken in the manner set forth in subsection (e)(4) below.
      (4)   In addition to any applicable provision of Section 935.12, Tthe Administrator, or his/her designee, is hereby authorized to inspect such drainage easement areas and if the Administrator determines that maintenance is needed, the Administrator shall notify the property owner whose property requires maintenance and/or any other parties who, in the sole determination of the Administrator, directly benefit from such easement. The manner in which notice of the required maintenance, and the carrying out thereof, shall be as follows:   
         A.   The Administrator shall cause written notice to be served on the property owner and/or any other parties benefiting from the easement notifying such parties that maintenance and/or repair of the drainage course is necessary and that a contract with a contractor acceptable to the Administrator for such repair and/or maintenance must be delivered to the Administrator within fourteen (14) days of said notice. The notice shall be served upon the property owner and/or benefited parties at the tax billing address for such premises reflected upon the records of the Franklin County Auditor. Service shall be accomplished by any means permitted for service of summons under the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure. Each property affected by such notice shall also be posted with such notice by the Administrator or his/her designee.
         B.   In those instances where the address of the owner is unknown, it shall be sufficient to publish a notice once a week in a newspaper of general circulation in Franklin County, Ohio setting forth the substance of the notice and time frame for compliance. The time frame for compliance shall be no less than fourteen (14) days after the publication.
         C.   If the property owner and/or benefiting parties fail to comply with the notice, the Municipality shall cause such repairs, replacement, maintenance and abatement procedures to be implemented as determined appropriate by the Administrator. The cost of such repair, replacement, abatement and other procedures deemed appropriate by the Administrator shall be immediately due and payable to the City in the amounts and in the proportions determined by the Administrator. Additionally, the Administrator may assess an administrative fee as the Administrator deems appropriate against all benefiting property owners or benefiting parties in an amount not to exceed ten percent (10%) of cost of such repair, replacement, abatement and other procedures, as determined by the Municipality's Engineer. Such cost shall be reimbursed to the Municipality by all benefiting property owners or benefiting parties in an amount equally apportioned amongst each respective property owner, for each instance where a notice is served under this section. The cost and administrative fee shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after the same are assessed.
         D.   If any fees or costs remain unpaid for a period in excess of thirty (30) days, in addition to any other remedy available to the Village Municipality, the Village Municipality may authorize placement of a lien on the real estate to be certified to the Franklin County Auditor in the amount assessed together with interest thereon from the date of such certification at the then existing rate for payment of judgments in the State of Ohio. Such interest shall continue on an annualized basis until paid.
         E.   Any owner or benefiting party aggrieved by an action of the Administrator under this section may take an appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals within (30) days of the date service of notice of such action upon the property owner and/or benefiting party.
         (Ord. 11-015. Passed 5-9-11.)