(A)   The municipal parks established, operated, maintained and regulated by borough, its agents or assigns, are hereby dedicated to be municipal parks, said plan of dedication with the legal boundaries thereon being available for review at the office of the Borough Manager.
   (B)   This section shall apply to the said dedicated municipal parks of the borough including Grove City Memorial Park, Hunter Farm Park, Cunningham Mill Park, Greenwood Drive Park, Rainey Avenue, Playground Park, Union Street Playground Park, Terrace Avenue Playground Park, Stewart Avenue Playground Park, Hillcrest Circle Park, Meadows Park and all other parks dedicated and set apart to the use of the public and upon which persons congregate in the open in quest of health, recreation or pleasure, now in existence or hereinafter dedicated a park by said borough.
   (C)   Within the aforesaid municipal parks of the borough, it shall be unlawful, except in the defense of person or property, in accord with the laws of the Commonwealth, to fire or discharge projectiles from firearms of any description, air rifles, archery equipment, slings or any form of weapon potentially inimical and dangerous to human safety or to fire or discharge projectiles from any of the above said weapons into said parks from beyond the boundaries of the parks.
   (D)   Within the boundaries of said parks, as defined in division (B) above, it shall be unlawful, except in the act of defending person or property, in accord with the laws of the state, for a person to have ammunition placed in a magazine, chamber or barrel of a firearm which is on or about the person’s body or on or in the person’s vehicle, provided further that this section shall not apply to those who are duly licensed to carry weapons under the law of the United States or the Commonwealth.
   (E)   It shall be unlawful to place or set any trapping device within said parks.
   (F)   The Borough Manager shall have the responsibility of duly informing the public of this section as required by law.
   (G)   This section shall not apply to law enforcement officers or members of the Armed Forces of the United States of America or the Commonwealth acting within the scope of their duty.
   (H)   The Borough Manager shall have the power to grant written exceptions to this section upon good cause being shown related to areas of weapon education and training and human and animal safety after obtaining the advice and consent of the Borough Council.
   (I)   If any division of this section or provision thereof is held unconstitutional or in violation of any law of the Commonwealth, the remaining divisions of this section or provisions thereof shall be saved and remain in effect, valid and enforceable.
(1980 Code, Ch. 18, Part 1, § 18-110) (Ord. 1083, passed 7-16-1979; Ord. 1150, passed 11-7-1983) Penalty, see § 94.99
   Weapons regulations, see Ch. 133