The total monthly charge made on meters that serve more than one dwelling unit and/or commercial user shall be based on water consumption and shall be determined as follows: the total water use in gallons for each billing period shall be divided by the number of dwelling units and/or commercial users served by the meter. That average use of water shall be used in assessing charges by applying the average water use in gallons to the five-eighths-inch meter size rates set forth in this subchapter. The average water charge as so determined shall then be multiplied by the number of dwelling units and/or commercial users served by that meter to determine the total water charge per dwelling unit. The total water charge per dwelling unit shall be billed to the customer responsible for charge against the meter.
(1980 Code, Ch. 27, Part 1, § 6) (Ord. 1418, passed 8-19-2013, § 1)