These rules and regulations (§§ 53.083 through 53.088) shall be in full force and effect upon appropriate action by the Council of the borough. All existing industrial, commercial and/or other users of the public sewer system discharging non-domestic wastes to said public sewer system, shall thereafter, but no later than July 1, 1973, file with the borough an application for permit for the discharge of wastes into the public sewerage system, as heretofore described under § 53.086. All future industrial, commercial and/or other such non domestic users shall have a borough-approved permit before connection to any public or private sewer, either direct or indirect, may be made.
(1980 Code, Ch. 20, Part 4, § 79) (Ord. 940, passed 8-4-1972, Rules and Regulations, § 6)