(a)   All applications for permanent signs within the Historical Preservation Area shall be submitted to the Chief Building and Zoning Official, who shall review the application for compliance with the provisions of this chapter, and either issue or deny the request for the Certificate of Appropriateness, as required by Section 1138.05(b). All requests for Certificate of Appropriateness submitted under this chapter shall be reviewed by the Chief Building and Zoning Official with 15 days of submission of the application.
   (b)   Any person whose application for a Certificate of Appropriateness has been denied by the Chief Building and Zoning Official may appeal such decision by filing an appeal with the Planning Commission within 30 days of such denial, and at least 14 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting date at which such appeal shall be heard. The appeal shall be in the form of a “Certificate of Appropriateness Application” to the Planning Commission and Council, which must be fully completed and contain all materials required pursuant to Section 1143.06 and a sign plan showing the sign, design, and color(s). The application, with 18 copies, along with a check for fifty dollars ($50.00) (made payable to the City of Grove City) must be submitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission. The appeal shall be treated as an original application for approval pursuant to Chapter 1101, under which the Planning Commission shall examine, take action withing 45 days and forward its recommendation to Council for its approval, approval with modifications, or denial. The decision of Council shall be final. Upon approval or approval with modifications by Council the Chief Building and Zoning Official shall issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to the applicant within 15 days.
(Ord. C85-01. Passed 12-3-01; Ord. C24-03. Passed 4-21-03; Ord. C49-10. Passed 8-16-10; Ord. C13-15. Passed 3-2-15.)