(a)   The license provided for in Section 717.01 shall not be transferable nor shall it be used by any other person than the licensee.
   (b)   Each license issued as provided for in this chapter shall expire on December 31 following the date of issue.
   (c)   If the Director of Public Safety refuses to grant a peddler's license or if such license or permit already issued is revoked, the person affected may file a written notice with the City Clerk within ten days from such refusal or revocation, appeal to a board composed of the Director of Public Safety, the Clerk of Council and the president of Council, which board shall have the right, after hearing on such appeal, to modify or reverse the action of the Director. The Clerk of Council shall be the secretary of such board and shall keep a record of all proceedings of such board.
(Ord. C53-60. Passed 7-11-60.)