6-4-1 Applicability of chapter
6-4-2 Purchase of cemetery lots
6-4-3 Resale of cemetery lots
6-4-4 Ownership of cemetery lots
6-4-5 Opening and closing of graves
6-4-6 Cremations
6-4-7 Interments
6-4-8 Disinterments
6-4-9 Markers, monuments and other memorials
6-4-10 Crypts, mausoleums or other structures
6-4-11 Trees, shrubs, flowers and other plants
6-4-12 Care and improvements
6-4-13 Hours of operation
6-4-14 Trespassing
6-4-15 Using as a shortcut
6-4-16 Deposit of filth
6-4-17 Damaging fences
6-4-18 Alcoholic beverages and other controlled substances prohibited
6-4-19 Animals
6-4-20 Disturbing the peace
6-4-21 Immoral acts
6-4-22 Vehicles; use of roadways required; speed limit
6-4-23 Removal of unused building materials
6-4-24 City to restore property in case of violation
6-4-25 Use of contractors by city
6-4-26 Schedule of charges
6-4-27 Compliance with chapter; penalty
Removal of graves under Council’s authority, see Related Local Laws, §§ 1-1 et seq.
Editor’s note:
Chapter 4 dealing with cemeteries dated 1971 was totally rewritten by Ord. No. 04-52 dated May 13, 2004. Chapter 4 dealing with cemeteries was amended by Ord. No. 08-71 dated June 12, 2008, removing the Financial Services Department and City Clerk’s office from the departments providing cemetery service.
Statutory reference:
Establishment and operation of cemeteries, see G.S. 160A-341
Regulation of city cemeteries, see G.S. 160A-348
(A) Lots shall be purchased from the Public Works Department.
(B) A deed signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk and sealed with the legal seal of the city shall be mailed to the address of the purchaser.
(C) The price paid for a cemetery lot shall be based on the residency of the purchaser. This price shall be set by City Council and maintained on file in the City Clerk’s office as a part of the Manual of Fees. A resident of the city is one who has established permanent residence in the corporate limits of the city.
(Ord. 04-52, passed 5-13-2004)
(A) An owner of a lot in a city-owned or controlled cemetery may sell his or her lot to another individual only upon approval of the Public Works Director or designee and for no more than the original purchase price of the lot plus the administrative fee set forth in the Manual of Fees. A notarized written request must be made by the lot owner or his or her heirs to the Public Works Director or designee and an administrative fee paid as set forth in the Manual of Fees.
(B) No lots that have been used may be sold.
(Ord. 04-52, passed 5-13-2004)
(A) No person will be recognized as owner of a lot unless his or her name appears on the records located at the Public Works Department.
(B) In all deeds of conveyance by the city to any person for any lot in the city-owned or controlled cemeteries, the following provision shall be included as a covenant running with the land:
“This conveyance is made subject to the provisions of Title 6, Chapter 4 of the Greenville City Code, providing rules and regulations for the control of the city’s cemeteries and penalties for the violation thereof. The grantee herein, his or her heirs and assigns agree that, upon the breach of any such provision, the title to the property shall revert to the city.”
(Ord. 04-52, passed 5-13-2004)
(A) All graves in city-owned or controlled cemeteries shall be opened and closed by city employees or contractors employed by the city, including the burial of cremated remains and bodies entombed in crypts and mausoleums.
(B) The funeral home representative requesting the opening and closing of a grave shall provide the Public Works Department an opening and closing request form along with the fee established by City Council and maintained on file in the City Clerk’s office as a part of the Manual of Fees. This form is provided by the city and must be completed and signed by the funeral home representative. When the city cemetery staff has to wait to close a grave beyond the time specified on the opening and closing request form, a wait time fee will be assessed to the funeral provider in accordance with the Manual of Fees.
(C) The funeral home representative requesting the opening and closing of a grave on a site with more than one grave shall be responsible for scheduling a meeting with a Public Works official to determine which grave to have open.
(D) All graves in city-owned or controlled cemeteries shall be at least four feet in depth from grade.
(E) No grave excavated in the city-owned or controlled cemetery shall encroach on any adjacent lot.
(F) The Public Works Director of the city is authorized to establish standards to provide for the performance of the service of opening and closing of graves, niches, mausoleums or crypts.
(G) The Public Works Director or designee shall be responsible for the collection of fees for the opening and closing of graves.
(Ord. 04-52, passed 5-13-2004)