All plans and specifications must conform to the following minimum requirements before permit for construction or reconstruction shall be permitted.
(A) Driveways for other than residential or dwelling house use shall be constructed of portland cement concrete at least six inches in thickness. Concrete shall be as specified by ordinance for sidewalks and in accordance with sketches on file in the office of the City Manager at all times.
(B) Where a driveway of any kind of material is constructed across a sidewalk space, it shall conform to the sidewalk grade as established by the City Manager.
(C) Where a driveway of any kind of material is constructed across an existing sidewalk, said sidewalk shall be removed and replaced with Portland cement concrete for the full width of the driveway and for a distance of at least 12 inches on both sides of said walk. This portion shall be not less than six inches in thickness and constructed in accordance with sketches on file in the office of the City Manager.
(D) (1) All driveways shall be so graded between the gutter and the sidewalk that it will not be necessary to change the established grade of either and it will not elevate or depress any portion of either.
(2) No part of said driveway shall extend beyond the curb line in such manner as to change the grade of said gutter or obstruct the free flow of water in said gutter.
(3) Where elevations or depressions are necessary in the parkway strip between the curb and walk, said parkway shall be graded on both sides of the driveway to a distance sufficient to create a gradual ascent or descent.
(4) At no time shall the gradient exceed one foot vertical to ten feet horizontal.
(2000 Code, § 96.47) Penalty, see § 96.999