It shall be unlawful to drive any vehicle into the intersections of the following streets, hereby declared stop streets, without first bringing such vehicles to a full stop at said intersections:
Street | Stop Intersection | Direction |
Street | Stop Intersection | Direction |
Alice Avenue | At Fourth Street | Eastbound |
Alice Avenue | At Sixth Street | Westbound |
Allen Avenue | At Eastern Avenue | Eastbound and Westbound |
Allen Avenue | At La Due Place | Eastbound and Westbound |
Allen Avenue | At Locust Street | Westbound |
Allen Avenue | At McAdams Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Allen Avenue | At Wyatt Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Asbury Street | At Beaumont Avenue | Westbound |
Asbury Street | At Elm Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Asbury Street | At Hena Street | Eastbound |
Asbury Street | At Locust Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Asbury Street | At Wyatt Street | Eastbound |
Ash Street | At Chicago Drive | Northbound |
Ballyvaughn Court | At Idler Lane | Westbound |
Benton Street | At Harris Avenue | Southbound |
Benton Street | At Ward Street | Northbound |
Benton Street | At Washington Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Bond Street | At Franklin Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Bond Street | At Willard Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Bowman Avenue | At City Route 40 | Westbound |
Bowman Industrial Drive | At Elm Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Bowman Industrial Drive | At Fourth Street | Westbound |
Bowman Industrial Drive | At IL Route 127 | Eastbound and Westbound |
Bowman Industrial Drive | At Peterson Industrial Drive | Eastbound |
Bowman Industrial Drive | At Ridge Avenue | Eastbound and Westbound |
Bradford Lane | At Idler Lane | Westbound |
Butternut Drive | At Ash Street | Eastbound |
Butternut Drive | At Idler Lane | Eastbound and Westbound |
Charles Avenue | At College Avenue | Northbound |
Charles Avenue | At Harris Avenue | Southbound |
Charles Avenue | At Main Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Charles Avenue | At Ward Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Charles Avenue | At Winter Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Chestnut Street | At Idler Lane | Eastbound |
Chicago Drive | At Idler Lane | Westbound |
Chicago Street | At Beaumont Avenue | Westbound |
Clarence Street | At Harris Avenue | Southbound |
Clarence Street | At Ridge Avenue | Northbound |
Clarence Street | At Woodlawn Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
College Avenue | At Dewey Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
College Avenue | At Eastern Avenue | Eastbound and Westbound |
College Avenue | At Elm Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
College Avenue | At Hena Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
College Avenue | At Idler Lane | Westbound |
College Avenue | At Second Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
College Avenue | At Third Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Cooper Avenue | At Eastern Avenue | Eastbound |
Cooper Avenue | At Elm Street | Westbound |
Cooper Avenue | At La Due Place | Eastbound and Westbound |
Cooper Avenue | At Locust Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Cooper Avenue | At McAdams Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Cooper Avenue | At Wyatt Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Crown Road | At City Route 40 | Northbound |
Demoulin Drive | At Fourth Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Demoulin Drive | At Second Street | Eastbound |
Dewey Street | At College Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Dewey Street | At IL Route 127 | Southbound |
Dewey Street | At Killarney Drive | Northbound and Southbound |
Durley Street | At Eastern Avenue | Eastbound and Westbound |
Durley Street | At Elm Street | Westbound |
Durley Street | At Hena Street | Eastbound |
Durley Street | At Locust Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Eastern Avenue | At Asbury Street | Northbound |
Eastern Avenue | At College Avenue | Southbound |
Eighth Street | At Franklin Avenue | Northbound |
Eighth Street | At Railroad Street | Southbound |
Elm Street | At Beaumont Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Elm Street | At Bowman Industrial Drive | Northbound and Southbound |
Elm Street | At City Route 40 | Northbound and Southbound |
Elm Street | At College Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Elm Street | At IL Route 140 | Northbound |
Elm Street | At Main Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Elm Street | At Walnut Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Fifth Street | At College Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Fifth Street | At Franklin Avenue | Southbound |
Fifth Street | At Harris Avenue | Southbound |
Fifth Street | At Main Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Fifth Street | At South Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Fifth Street | At Spring Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Fifth Street | At Summer Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Fifth Street | At Washington Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Fifth Street | At Willard Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Fifth Street | At Winter Street | Northbound and Southbound |
First Street | At Beaumont Avenue | Northbound |
First Street | At College Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
First Street | At Harris Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
First Street | At Louis Latzer Drive | Northbound |
First Street | At Main Street | Northbound and Southbound |
First Street | At Monroe Street | Southbound |
First Street | At South Street | Northbound and Southbound |
First Street | At Spring Street | Northbound and Southbound |
First Street | At Winter Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Forest Lane | At Beaumont Avenue | Southbound |
Fourth Street | At College Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Fourth Street | At Franklin Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Fourth Street | At Harris Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Franklin Street | At Fourth Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Ganton Circle | At Beaumont Avenue | Northbound |
Grigg Street | At Beaumont Avenue | Southbound |
Grigg Street | At IL Route 140 | Northbound |
Harris Avenue | At Fourth Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Harris Avenue | At Sixth Street | Westbound |
Harris Avenue | At Third Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Health Care Drive | At IL Route 140 | Southbound |
Heather Lane | At Idler Lane | Eastbound |
Helvetia Street | At Clarence Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Helvetia Street | At Elm Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Helvetia Street | At Fairground Road | Eastbound |
Helvetia Street | At Locust Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Hena Street | At Asbury Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Hena Street | At College Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Hena Street | At Killarney Drive | Northbound and Southbound |
Hena Street | At Vine Street | Southbound |
Hillview Avenue | At Elm Street | Eastbound |
Idler Lane | At Butternut Drive | Northbound and Southbound |
Idler Lane | At IL Route 140 | Northbound and Southbound |
Idler Lane | At IL Route 127 | Southbound |
Junior High Drive | At Idler Lane | Eastbound |
Killarney Drive | At Dewey Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Killarney Drive | At Hena Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Killarney Drive | At Idler Lane | Westbound |
Killdeer Road | At Bowman Industrial Drive | Southbound |
Killdeer Road | At Ridge Avenue | Northbound |
La Due Place | At Beaumont Avenue | Northbound |
La Due Place | At Durley Street | Southbound |
Lake Drive | At Harris Avenue | Southbound |
Linder Boulevard | At IL Route 140 | Northbound |
Locust Street | At Beaumont Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Locust Street | At College Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Locust Street | At Main Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Locust Street | At Ridge Avenue | Northbound |
Locust Street | At South Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Locust Street | At Vine Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Locust Street | At Winter Street | Southbound |
Locust Street | At Woodlawn Avenue | Southbound |
Louis Latzer Drive | At Elm Street | Eastbound |
Louis Latzer Drive | At Fourth Street | Westbound |
Main Street | At Fourth Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Main Street | At Hena Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Main Street | At Locust Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Main Street | At Second Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Main Street | At Sixth Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Main Street | At Third Street | Westbound |
McAdams Street | At Beaumont Avenue | Northbound |
McAdams Street | At Durley Street | Southbound |
Mclain Street | At Fourth Street | Eastbound |
Mclain Street | At Sixth Street | Westbound |
Monroe Street | At Fourth Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Monroe Street | At Second Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
North Street | At Fourth Street | Westbound |
Oak Street | At Dewey Street | Eastbound |
Oak Street | At Elm Street | Westbound |
Oak Street | At First Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Oak Street | At Fourth Street | Westbound |
Oak Street | At Hena Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Oak Street | At Locust Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Oak Street | At Prairie Street | Eastbound |
Oak Street | At Second Street | Westbound |
Oak Street | At Third Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Parent Street | At Hena Street | Eastbound |
Pecan Street | At Chicago Drive | Northbound and Southbound |
Peterson Industrial Drive | At City Route 40 | Southbound |
Poplar Street | At Chicago Drive | Northbound |
Poplar Street | At Willow Street | Southbound |
Prairie Street | At Beaumont Avenue | Northbound |
Prairie Street | At College Avenue | Southbound |
Prairie Street | At Harris Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Prairie Street | At Louis Latzer Drive | Northbound |
Prairie Street | At Main Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Prairie Street | At South Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Prairie Street | At Winter Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Prospect Drive | At IL Route 127 | Eastbound |
Ridge Avenue | At Bowman Industrial Drive | Northbound and Southbound |
Ridge Avenue | At City Route 40 | Northbound and Southbound |
Ridge Avenue | At Elm Street | Westbound |
Robin Street | At Charles Avenue | Eastbound and Westbound |
Robin Street | At Stephen Street | Westbound |
Robin Street | At White Avenue | Eastbound |
Saint John Street | At Eastern Avenue | Eastbound and Westbound |
Saint John Street | At Elm Street | Westbound |
Saint John Street | At La Due Place | Eastbound and Westbound |
Saint John Street | At Locust Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Saint John Street | At McAdams Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Samuel W Andrews Drive | At City Route 40 | Northbound |
Samuel W Andrews Drive | At Idler Lane | Westbound |
Savannah Way | At IL Route 140 | Southbound |
Second Street | At Bowman Industrial Drive | Southbound |
Second Street | At College Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Second Street | At Harris Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Second Street | At Louis Latzer Drive | Northbound |
Second Street | At Main Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Second Street | At Oak Street | Northbound |
Seth Blanchard Drive | At Samuel W Andrews Drive | Northbound |
Shannon Drive | At Asbury Street | Northbound |
Shannon Drive | At Killarney Drive | Northbound and Southbound |
Short Street | At Asbury Street | Southbound |
Sixth Street | At College Avenue | Northbound |
Sixth Street | At Franklin Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Sixth Street | At Main Street | Northbound and Southbound |
South Street | At Charles Avenue | Eastbound |
South Street | At Elm Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
South Street | At Second Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
South Street | At Sixth Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
South Street | At Third Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Spring Hill Drive | At IL Route 140 | Southbound |
Spring Street | At Elm Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Spring Street | At Fourth Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Spring Street | At Prairie Street | Eastbound |
Spring Street | At Second Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Spring Street | At Sixth Street | Westbound |
Spring Street | At Spruce Street | Westbound |
Spring Street | At Third Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Spruce Street | At College Avenue | Northbound |
Spruce Street | At Harris Avenue | Southbound |
Spruce Street | At Louis Latzer Drive | Southbound |
Spruce Street | At Main Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Spruce Street | At South Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Spruce Street | At Vine Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Spruce Street | At Winter Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Stephen Avenue | At College Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Stephen Avenue | At Harris Avenue | Southbound |
Stephen Avenue | At Oak Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Stephen Avenue | At South Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Stephen Avenue | At Vine Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Summer Street | At Sixth Street | Westbound |
Taylor Street | At Cedar Street | Northbound |
Third Street | At College Avenue | Northbound and Southbound |
Third Street | At Demoulin Drive | Northbound |
Third Street | At Monroe Street | Northbound and Southbound |
Third Street | At Oak Street | Southbound |
Trindle Street | At Asbury Street | Southbound |
United Stationers Access Drives | At Andrews Industrial Drive | |
Vine Street | At Prairie Street | Westbound |
Ward Street | At Stephen Avenue | Eastbound and Westbound |
Ward Street | At White Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Washington Avenue | At Clarence Street | Westbound |
Washington Avenue | At Second Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Washington Street | At Charles Drive | Eastbound and Westbound |
Washington Street | At First Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Washington Street | At Lake Drive | Eastbound and Westbound |
Washington Street | At Prairie Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Washington Street | At Stephen Avenue | Eastbound and Westbound |
Washington Street | At White Avenue | Eastbound and Westbound |
Water Street | At Third Street | Westbound |
White Street | At Vine Street | Northbound |
Winter Avenue | At Elm Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Winter Avenue | At Second Street | Eastbound and Westbound |
Winter Avenue | At Stephen Avenue | Eastbound and Westbound |
Winter Street | At White Avenue | |
(2000 Code, Ch. 77, Schd. VI) (Ord. 2061, 8-13-1985; Ord. 2076, passed 6-11-1986; Ord. 2113, passed 9-8-1987; Ord. 2181, passed 6-13-1989; Ord. 2185, passed 7-11-1989; Ord. 2187, passed 8-8-1989; Ord. 2193, passed 11-14-1989; Ord. 2238, passed 9-11-1990; Ord. 2250, passed 7-9-1991; Ord. 2282, passed 9-8-1992; Ord. 2306, passed 3-9-1993; Ord. 2338, passed 6-14-1994; Ord. 2350, passed 8-10-1994; Ord. 2391, passed 12-12-1995; Ord. 2439, passed 6-10-1997; Ord. 2447, passed 9-9-1997; Ord. 2519, passed 1-11-2000; Ord. 2534, passed 8-9-2000; Ord. 2547, passed 11-14-2000; Ord. 2677, passed 9-13-2005; Ord. 2687, passed 12-13-2005; Ord. 2697, passed 4-11-2006; Ord. 2744, passed 5-8-2007; Ord. 2817, passed 2-10-2009; Ord. 2990, passed 11-13-2012; Ord. 3091, passed 5-10-2016; Ord. 3195, passed 3-21-2019; Ord. 3203, passed 9-10-2019)
Penalty, see § 70.99