(A)   A fee, as set out in § 38.01 of this code of ordinances, per copy shall be charged for the city’s municipal code book, except for code books used by:
      (1)   Public officials of the city;
      (2)   Public officials of the county; and
      (3)   Members of city boards and commissions.
   (B)   (1)   A fee, as set out in § 38.01 of this code of ordinances, shall be charged annually for each subscription to the city’s municipal code book changes, except for changes provided to:
         (a)   Public officials of the city;
         (b)   Public officials of the county;
         (c)   Members of city boards and commissions; and
         (d)   Any news medium that has filed an annual request for notices of meetings pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2.02.
      (2)   This fee shall be charged and paid in advance and shall become effective 5-1-1990.
   (C)   Individual pages of the city’s municipal code or other copyable city documents shall be provided at the Finance Department at the rate as set out in § 38.01 of this code of ordinances, subject to policies of the city in compliance with the state’s Freedom of Information Act.
   (D)   A fee, as set out in § 38.01 of this code of ordinances, shall be charged by the Finance Department at the time a petition for pre-annexation agreement, zoning variance, special or conditional use, or zoning change is filed. Said fee shall be for the cost of publication and other expenses of the city in processing such petitions.
(2000 Code, § 36.02) (Ord. 2222, passed 6-12-1990)