As used in this article, the terms “mobile home,” “trailer,” or “house trailer” (all being referred to herein as “mobile homes”) shall mean and shall be so construed as to mean any vehicle or structure so designed and constructed as will permit occupancy thereof as sleeping quarters or a residence, temporary or permanent, for 1 or more persons; and so designed that it is or may be mounted on wheels for the purpose of conveyance on the public streets, roads or highways, propelled or drawn by its own or other power; and shall include all such mobile homes, regardless of the fact that they are underpinned or placed on a permanent foundation, until such time as the mobile home assumes the character of real property and is so listed for ad valorem tax purposes.
(1976 Code, § 13-32) (Ord. 1664, § 2, passed 4-21-1987; Ord. 4116, § 1, passed 6-5-2007)
Any person, firm, corporation or agent, who shall violate the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $200. Each such person, firm, corporation or agent shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this article is committed or continued.
(1976 Code, § 13-33) (Ord. 1664, § 12, passed 4-21-1987; Ord. 2626, § 3, passed 9-6-1994; Ord. 4116, § 1, passed 6-5-2007)
Each owner of a mobile home located within the county, except:
(1) A mobile home temporarily located within the county, with the express predetermined intent and purpose of conveyance outside of the county within 30 days after arrival;
(2) A mobile home held for display or exhibition purposes by a mobile home dealer licensed by the state as such and displaying said license; and
(3) A mobile home passing through the county on a public street, road or highway for conveyance elsewhere,
shall obtain and display required county sticker prior to January 1 of each year.
(1976 Code, § 13-34) (Ord. 1664, § 3, passed 4-21-1987; Ord. 4116, § 1, passed 6-5-2007)
Registration shall consist of delivery of a sticker or decal or other appropriate device, upon receipt of the following information to be obtained from the owner or other person registering the vehicle:
(1) Name of the owner and person to be in possession if other than the owner;
(2) Year, make, model and serial number of the mobile home or vehicle; and
(3) Place, meaning tax block and lot, where the mobile home is or will be located.
(1976 Code, § 13-35) (Ord. 1664, § 6, passed 4-21-1987; Ord. 4116, § 1, passed 6-5-2007)
Each mobile home park owner, as defined by state law, shall, on or before January 1 of each year, provide a listing of owners of all mobile homes within their park. Listing shall consist of full name of owner and year, make and model of mobile home, and shall be directed to the Mobile Home Division of Real Property Services.
(1976 Code, § 13-36) (Ord. 1664, § 11, passed 4-21-1987; Ord. 4116, § 1, passed 6-5-2007)
The period of registration for mobile homes shall be for the 12-month period of January 1 through December 31 of each year, and such mobile homes shall be registered annually thereafter, in the manner required herein. The decal or other device shall show the year for which issued and the date of expiration.
(1976 Code, § 13-37) (Ord. 1664, § 7, passed 4-21-1987; Ord. 4116, § 1, passed 6-5-2007)
Registration shall occur when the mobile home is properly listed with the Mobile Home Division of Real Property Services for ad valorem tax purposes; and upon such listing, the Mobile Home Division of Real Property Services shall deliver a numbered plate, sticker or other appropriate device to the person registering or listing such mobile home, which device shall be displayed on the mobile home on or near the main door or exit so as to be clearly visible from the exterior; provided, however, that any mobile home otherwise required to be registered pursuant to this article shall not be deemed exempted from the provisions of this article, even though it is exempt for ad valorem tax purposes.
(1976 Code, § 13-38) (Ord. 1664, § 4, passed 4-21-1987; Ord. 4116, § 1, passed 6-5-2007)
For every registered mobile home, the Mobile Home Division of Real Property Services shall issue the person registering the mobile home an appropriate numbered plate, sticker or decal. Upon satisfactory evidence that any such registration numbered plate, sticker or decal has been lost or destroyed, the Mobile Home Division of Real Property Services shall issue a duplicate to the owner or person listing.
(1976 Code, § 13-39) (Ord. 1664, § 8, passed 4-21-1987; Ord. 4116, § 1, passed 6-5-2007)