(a) All junkyards shall, within 60 days after the effective date of this section (June 15, 1993), obtain a “junkyard operation permit” and a letter stating the junkyard complies with the requirements of this section. Such permit and letter of compliance shall be valid until March first of the following calendar year. No fee shall be charged for 1993, but a written request for reinspection, accompanied by a $20 reinspection fee, must be submitted to the office of the zoning manager no later than January fifteenth of each successive year. The zoning manager, or his designee, shall then inspect the premises, notify the junkyard operator of any corrections that need to be made, and issue the “junkyard operation permit” and letter of compliance after completion of any required corrections.
(b) No person shall establish, enlarge, or operate a junkyard after the effective date of this article without first complying with the provisions set forth herein.
(1976 Code, § 9-57) (Ord. 1777, § 8, passed 12-15-1987; Ord. 2467, § 6, passed 6-15-1993)
(a) Any person, firm, corporation or agent, who shall violate the provisions of this division shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished within the jurisdictional limits of magistrate’s court. Each such person, firm, corporation or agent shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this division is committed or continued.
(b) The county may also seek injunctive relief or may institute any other appropriate action in courts of competent jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this article.
(1976 Code, § 9-58) (Ord. 1777, § 10, passed 12-15-1987; Ord. 2626, § 3, passed 9-6-1994)
(a) The board of zoning appeals may authorize, upon written appeal, such variance from the terms of this article as will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this article would result in unnecessary hardship or peculiar and exceptional practical difficulties. An applicant shall file a written request for a variance with the director of the building standards department, or his designee, within 10 days after such applicant has received written notification that a violation of this article has been committed. The request shall specify the nature of the variance being sought and the reasons for such request.
(b) Notice shall be given at least 15 days in advance of a public hearing. The owner of the property for which the variance is requested or his agent shall be notified by mail. Notice of hearings shall be made in a newspaper of general circulation, posted on the property for which a variance is requested, and posted at Greenville County Square.
(c) When an applicant requests a variance from the terms of this article, the building standards department shall provide the applicant or his designated representative with an adequate number of notice of public hearing signs to allow the applicant or his designated representative to properly post and maintain on the property a notice of public hearing at least 10 days prior to the date of the board of zoning appeals hearing. Only such signs as provided by the building standards department shall be used and such signs shall be placed in a conspicuous place or places on the affected premises. Failure to comply with the posting requirements will result in removal of the application from the public hearing agenda and forfeiture of the application fee. All signs must be removed within 30 days after the public hearing.
(d) A variance from the terms of this article may be granted by the board upon a finding that:
(1) The variance requested is the minimum variance that will make possible the legal use of the land.
(2) Owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship or peculiar and exceptional practical difficulties.
(3) The variance requested will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this article and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare.
(1976 Code, § 9-59) (Ord. 1777, § 9, passed 12-15-1987; Ord. 2467, § 7, passed 6-15-1993; Ord. 2530, § 1, passed 12-6-1993)
(a) Fencing and screening. All junkyards shall be enclosed on all sides by a chain link fence with evergreen screening of an approved type, a chain link fence with vinyl, metal or wooden strips or slats woven into the fence fabric, a wooden privacy fence, or other type material which has been given approval by the zoning manager.
(b) Anchoring. All metal or wooden fence posts shall have at least 1/3 of their length below ground level and shall be set in hard-packed clay or concrete. All metal fence posts shall be treated with an anti-corrosive coating. All wooden posts shall be pressure treated or creosote coated lumber with at least a 4-inch by 4-inch nominal cross section.
(c) Location. No junkyard shall be established within 500 feet of any existing church, school, cemetery or dwelling. No junkyard shall be established within 500 feet of the following scenic corridors:
(1) U.S. Highway 25 north of Travelers Rest.
(2) U.S. Highway 276 west of the Town of Cleveland.
(3) S.C. Highways 11, 290, 414, 418, 101 or 146.
(4) S.C. Highway 253 from Altamont Road to Highway 414.
(5) Interstate Highways 85, 185 and 385.
(6) S.C. Highway 14 north of Greer city limits.
(7) Old U.S. Highway 25.
(8) Reedy Fork Road and Fork Shoals Road south of Donaldson Center.
(1976 Code, § 9-60) (Ord. 1777, § 6, passed 12-15-1987; Ord. 2467, § 4, passed 6-15-93)
(a) All junkyard business shall be conducted entirely within the screened area of the property.
(b) No junk shall be stacked, stored or maintained at a height greater than 8 feet above the adjacent grade.
(c) Adequate off-street customer parking must be provided, and must be graveled or paved in an acceptable manner.
(d) All junkyards shall comply with Chapter 40 of the “Standard Fire Prevention Code” and any other pertinent requirements.
(e) Scrap metal processors, while considered to be junkyards by definition, shall be exempt from the permit requirements of § 9-57 herein. In addition, the 8-foot stacking requirement of § 9-61(b) shall not apply if the scrap metal processor is located substantially below the grade of the adjacent public road or is located more than 500 feet from any public road.
(1967 Code, § 9-61) (Ord. 1777, § 7, passed 12-15-1987; Ord. 2467, § 5, passed 6-15-1993)