In addition to all other charges, fees, and penalties, Greenville County shall have the right to develop and impose a Stormwater Service Fee to fund implementation of this article and its associated programs and plans.
(1976 Code, § 8-141) (Ord. 3551, passed 11-11-2001; Ord. 4281, passed 5-5-2009; Ord. 4698, passed 5-5-2015)
The Director shall have the right to establish a schedule of appropriate fees for any person or property owner establishing a new discharge to Waters of the State within Greenville County or to a wet weather conveyance. Such fee shall be payable as part of any permit application or submission, regulating the discharge of stormwater runoff. Permit fees shall be established on the basis of facility classes relating to the quantity and quality of permitted discharge.
(1976 Code, § 8-142) (Ord. 3551, passed 11-11-2001; Ord. 4281, passed 5-5-2009; Ord. 4698, passed 5-5-2015)
Costs associated with field inspection of land development or construction activities, other than those routinely performed by the Director as part of compliance monitoring, shall be assessed a fee representing the cost in labor, equipment, and materials expended in the conduct of the Inspection.
(1976 Code, § 8-143) (Ord. 3551, passed 11-11-2001; Ord. 4281, passed 5-5-2009; Ord. 4698, passed 5-5-2015)