(a) County council hereby establishes the following schedule of fees to be charged for emergency medical ambulance services performed by the department of community services-EMS division:
Type of Service
(1) BLS basic life support charge (Includes $15 charge for oxygen) | $200 |
(2) BLS basic life support - No transport | $100 |
(3) ALS advance life support - Transport | $270 |
(4) ALS advance life support - No transport | $200 |
(5) Back-up ambulance fee (Greenville County charge for EMS vehicles only) | $70 |
(6) Pickup outside Greenville County lines, including mutual aid responses, will be charged the above applicable fees, and include a mileage fee of $3 per mile. The mileage fee charge shall commence at the out-of-county pickup location and end at the hospital destination.
(7) Supplies such as heart monitor and advance life support procedures are included in the prices for advance life support (ALS) transports and ALS nontransports.
(8) Drugs and supplies shall be cost plus 25%, rounded to whole dollar amounts.
(b) The above stated fees shall be charged for services rendered to all persons. However, the following rules will also apply:
(1) Indigent persons and persons declaring undue hardship will continue receiving emergency medical services without fear of harassment or reprisal, but will undergo a review process for any charge(s) to be reduced, voided or waived.
(2) Citizen complaints regarding unfair charges will undergo a review process for any charge(s) to be reduced, waived, voided, or justified.
(1976 Code, § 6-36) (Ord. 2-4-75, § 6; Ord. 556, § 2; Ord. 923, § 1, passed 9-1-1981; Ord. 1073, § 1, passed 1-18-1983; Ord. 1485, § 1, passed 12-3-1985; Ord. 2472, § 1, passed 6-29-1993; Ord. 3305, §§ 1, 2, passed 11-16-1999)
(a) Any person who fraudulently evades or attempts to evade the payment of any lawfully established charge or fee for the transporting of persons by ambulance, or any person who receives transportation by ambulance by giving a false answer to the attendant thereof, or any person who, by any other fraudulent act or design, attempts to evade the payment of any such lawfully authorized charge or fee shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
(b) Failure to pay for services rendered within 60 days after receipt of notice of indebtedness, without written explanation of such failure, shall be prima facie evidence of fraudulent evasion.
(1976 Code, § 6-37) (Ord. 317, § 6)
Ambulances used primarily as convalescent transport units are hereby exempted from the size provisions of S.C. Code, Title 44, Chapter 61, as amended, or any regulations relating to size requirements promulgated pursuant to such chapter. A convalescent transport unit as used in this section is defined as a vehicle making such nonemergency calls within the county, and to destinations within the county, as scheduled visits to a physician’s office or hospital for treatment, routine physical examination, x-rays or laboratory tests or is used for transporting, within the county, patients upon discharge from a hospital or nursing home to a hospital, nursing home or residence, or a vehicle making any other calls dispatched within the county as a nonemergency.
(1976 Code, § 6-38) (Ord. 766, § 2)
No provision of this article shall be construed to alter the existing or future provisions of any law, ordinance or regulation relating to the control, licensing, taxation or other regulation of ambulances by any competent jurisdiction.
(1976 Code, § 6-39) (Ord. 317, § 7 )