(a)   As used in this chapter, the term "regular part-time employee" means a person employed by the City of Greenville, Ohio, who shall be employed not less than 22.5 hours per week, but not more than 32.5 hours per week, throughout the year, and who is not a full-time employee.
(Ord. 92-01. Passed 2-4-92; Ord. 09-101. Passed 11-3-09.)
   (b)   As used in this chapter, the term "part-time employee" means a person employed by the City of Greenville, Ohio, who shall be employed throughout the year, not to exceed 1,169 hours in any calendar year, and who is not a regular full-time employee.
(Ord. 96-119. Passed 8-20-96; Ord. 11-75. Passed 7-29-11.)
   (c)   Regular part-time employees shall receive vacations, holiday pay, funeral leave, sick leave and injury leave on a pro rata basis relative to the benefits received by full-time employees working in their departments.
   (d)   Unless specified to the contrary, this chapter shall be equally applicable to regular part-time employees as well as to part-time employees.
(Ord. 92-01. Passed 2-4-92.)