(A)   Appearance. On receipt of any citation as provided for in § 91.45 of this chapter, the recipient shall appear at the Village Hall within ten working days from receipt of service of the citation. Each recipient of a citation shall enter one of the following appearances:
      (1)   Admit. The allegations are substantially true;
      (2)   Deny. The allegations are substantially false; or
      (3)   Admit with explanation. The allegations are substantially true but additional factors should be considered.
   (B)   Hearings. For all persons who enter an appearance of deny or admit with explanation, a hearing shall be scheduled by the Village President, who shall act as the hearing officer. The hearing shall be held within ten working days of the entry of appearance. No formal rules of evidence shall apply, and all relevant evidence shall be considered in reaching a determination by the hearing officer. A record of each decision shall be rendered and available for review. Should the hearing officer decide that the violation occurred by a preponderance of the available evidence, the amount then owing (which shall include a fine plus any impoundment fees) will be determined by the date of the request for the hearing.
   (C)   Action on failure to appear.
      (1)   Should the recipient of a citation fail to appear or comply with the provisions of this section, or fail to pay within five days the amount deemed due and owing by the hearing officer, a complaint may be filed in accordance with § 91.48 of this chapter.
      (2)   In addition, should an animal owned by a person who has failed to appear or comply with the hearing process for any citation be impounded, it shall not be released until payment or arrangements for payment of all previous citations is made as well as the impoundment fees due for that impoundment.
Penalty, see § 91.99