(A) The following streets are designated as no parking areas.
Brandt Street (Both sides) | From the south curb line of Fifteenth Street to the south curb line of Fourteenth Street | 2020-24 |
Broadway Street | From North Street to Railroad Street | 1995-24 |
Central Ave. | From the east curb line ofLincoln Street to 120 feet east of said east curb land | 2019-25 |
Dove Court | The street’s entire length | 2005-16 |
East and West McKee Street (South side) | From South Monfort Street to South Michigan Ave. | 1998-1 |
East Central Ave. (South side) | From Stewart Street to Lathrop Street | 1998-1 |
East Central Ave. (North side) | From Davidson Street to Warren Street | 1998-1 |
East Central Ave. (North side) | From Lathrop Street to Lincoln Street | 1998-1 |
East Central Ave. (South side) | From Steward Street to Lathrop Street | 1998-1 |
East First Street (South side) | From North Broadway Street to Lincoln Street | 1998-1 |
East First Street (South side) | From Broadway Street to North Michigan Ave. | 1998-1 |
East First Street (West side) | From First Street to North Michigan Ave. | 1998-1 |
East Fourth Street (North and south) | From North Lincoln Street to North East Street | 1998-1 |
East Hendricks Street (North side) | From Lincoln Street to North Broadway Street | 1998-1 |
East North Street (East side) | From Lathrop Street to Stewart Street | 1998-1 |
East North Street (South side) | From Broadway Street to North Franklin Street | 1998-1 |
East Walnut Street (South side) | From Lincoln Street to North Franklin Street | 1998-1 |
East Walnut Street (South side) | From North Broadway Street to North Franklin Street | 1998-1 |
First Street (North side) | From the east curb line of Ireland Street to 120 feet east of said east curb line | 2016-7 |
First Street (North side) | From the west curb line of Ireland Street to 170 feet west of said west curb line | 2016-7 |
Fourteenth Street (Both sides) | From the west curb of Brandt Street to Carver Street | 2020-24 |
Franklin Street | From North Street to Railroad Street | 1995-24 |
Gaston Drive (Both sides) | From the west curb line of Carver Street to the westerly terminus of Gaston Drive | 2020-25 |
Main Street | From Monfort Street to South Michigan Ave. | 1995-24 |
North East Street (East side) | From East Central Ave. to First Street | 1998-1 |
North East Street (West side) | From East Central Ave. to East Main Street | 1998-1 |
North Ireland Street (East side) | From Michigan Ave. to West Second Street | 1998-1 |
North Lincoln | From East Main Street to State Road 3 Bypass | 1991-10 |
North Lincoln Street (East and west sides) | From Main Street to State Road 3 Bypass | 1998-1 |
North Maple Street | At dead end | 1999-13 |
North Michigan Ave. | From Ireland Street to West Central Ave. | 1998-1 |
North Michigan Ave. (East and west sides) | From North Ireland Street to SR 3 Bypass | 1998-1 |
North Washington Street (North side) | From North Monfort Street to North Ireland Street | 1998-1 |
Oriole Court | The street’s entire length | 2005-16 |
Robin Court | The street’s entire length | 2005-16 |
South Broadway Street (East side) | From railroad tracks to South Ireland Street | 1998-1 |
South Broadway Street (West side) | From Forsythe Street to South Ireland Street | 1998-1 |
South East Street (East side) | From East Main Street to West McKee Street | 1998-1 |
South Ireland Street (East side) | From Bryant Street to Forsythe Street | 1998-1 |
Stewart Street (West side) | East North Street to East Central Avenue | 1998-1 |
Washington Street | From East Street to Jackson Street | 1995-24 |
West Central Ave. (South side) | From Broadway to Michigan Ave. | 1998-1 |
West First Street (North side) | From North Broadway Street to North Michigan Ave. | 1998-1 |
West McKee Street (North side) | From South Broadway Street to South Michigan Ave. | 1998-1 |
West Ninth (South side) | Approximately 175 feet west from North Carver Street | 1993-1 |
West North Street (South side) | From North Monfort Street to West Street | 1998-1 |
West Sheridan Street (South side) | From North Ireland Street to North Broadway Street | 1998-1 |
West Walnut Street (North side) | From Monfort Street to school drive on west side of school building | 1998-1 |
West Walnut Street (South side) | From North Broadway Street to North Monfort Street | 1998-1 |
Wren Court | The street’s entire length | 2005-16
(B) There shall be no parking Fridays between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. for the purpose of allowing the efficient and/or unobstructed sweeping of streets and removal of snow on N. Broadway Street between E. Main Street and E. Washington Street, E. Washington Street between N. Broadway Street and N. Franklin Street, N. Franklin Street between E. Washington Street and E. Main Street, and E. Main Street between N. Broadway Street and N. Franklin Street; and penalties set forth in § 72.99 are effective.
(C) Any violation of Schedule VI, "No Parking," as contained in this Schedule shall be considered a Class D violation of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Greensburg, Indiana, with a fine of not more than $10 for each violation. When a citation is issued by the City of Greensburg with a class of violation noted the fine applicable to the violation shall be paid within ten days to the City of Greensburg through the Office of the City Clerk-Treasurer. If a fine is not paid to the city and it becomes necessary for the city to file a legal cause of action to recover the fine, the city shall then be permitted to recover any reasonable and necessary legal expenses associated with the cause of action. Any fines collected for violation shall be deposited in the city General Fund.
(Ord. 1991-10, passed 8-5-91; Am. Ord. 1993-1, passed 3-1-93; Am. Ord. 1995-24, passed 10-2-95; Am. Ord. 1998-1, passed 1-5-98; Am. Ord. 1999-10, passed 9-7-99; Am. Ord. 1999-13, passed 11-1-99; Am. Ord. 2005-16, passed 11-7-05; Am. Ord. 2006-6, passed 6-5-06; Am. Ord. 2016-7, passed 5-2-16; Am. Ord. 2019-25, passed 10-7-19; Am. Ord. 2020-24, passed 10-5-20; Am. Ord. 2020-25, passed 10-5-20)