§ 36.061 WAGE POLICY.
   Employee’s wages shall be docked for violations of the sick leave and/or vacation policy of the City as follows:
   (A)   Unauthorized time away from work shall be subtracted from existing leave time in the following order: earned compensatory time, personal leave days, and vacation days.
   (B)   An employee’s wages shall be docked computed on an hourly basis for the unauthorized time away from work.
   (C)   The penalty for employees paid on an hourly wage shall be the amount of the gross hourly wage.
   (D)   The penalty for employees paid at a salary rate shall be computed by the normal work hours in a week divided into the gross weekly salary to determine the hourly rate of pay.
   (E)   The wages of an elected official cannot be docked, as set by law.
(Ord. 2018-16, passed 1-7-19)