(A)   Special meetings of the Common Council may be convened at any time other than the time fixed for regular meetings, on call of the Mayor, or on call of two or more members of the Common Council.
('76 Code, § 2-14)
   (B)   Procedure for calling. The call for special meetings of the Common Council shall be by that mode of communication most reasonable in the circumstances, and may be made by telephone to the individual required to receive the notice, by radio communication addressed to such member, or by written notice which may be mailed by ordinary United States mail, or which may be delivered to the person entitled to receive such notice in person by the Mayor or by the members of the Common Council calling such meeting, or by the Chief of Police of the city or his designate. If the member entitled to receive such notice cannot be personally notified of the call of the special meeting, then notice shall be sufficient if a written notice is left at his last and usual place of residence, or if he has a known place of business, then at the office at his place of business. Notice of any special meeting shall not be necessary in any case where the member in fact appears at such special meeting and does not raise objection thereto. Such notice, in whatever mode given, shall apprise the member of the identity of the person calling such meeting, the time and place at which it is to be held and, generally, the purpose thereof. Such notice shall be given as far in advance of the time of such meeting as the circumstances permit, to the end that the member by reasonable diligence can attend the place of meeting at the time set.
('76 Code, § 2-15)
   (C)   Scope of business. The Common Council may transact any business, whether stated in the call or not, at any special meeting and shall not be limited by any restriction inserted in the call, if at least two-thirds of the members are present at such meeting. If less than two-thirds of the members of the Council are at the special meeting then the business to be transacted shall be limited to that stated in the call therefor. In no case shall any business not stated in the call therefor be transacted at any special meeting if two or more Councilmen object to the transaction of such business.
('76 Code, § 2-16)