A.   Any person or other legal entity seeking the village's approval or consideration of any matter shall be responsible for any professional fees or other costs incurred by the village in reviewing the requested action or matter and in acting upon the requested approval or consideration, including, but not limited to, engineering fees, planning fees, attorney fees and other fees incurred by the village.
   B.   Any such person or entity requesting consideration or action by the village shall be required to deposit, pursuant to section 2-4-2 of this chapter, anticipated funds necessary to defray professional and other costs to be incurred by the village.
   C.   Whenever any person or other entity is required by village ordinance or rule, state or federal law, to submit plans, specifications or other documents to the village engineer, attorney or other employee of the village, for his review, comments and approval or disapproval, such person or entity shall be responsible for the fees charged to the village in connection therewith.
   D.   Whenever any person or other entity shall, of his or its own volition, submit plans, specifications or other documents to the village engineer, attorney or other employee of the village, acting in his official capacity as such employee of the village for his review, approval, disapproval or comments upon such plans, specifications or other documents, the person or entity submitting the same shall be responsible for the fees charged by the employee in connection therewith.
   E.   Any person or firm who is required to pay money in accordance with this chapter shall pay the same to the village promptly after request. The village administrator shall be responsible for collecting the money and disbursing same, on the approval of and at the direction of the village board, on account of the fees and costs incurred for services rendered in connection with the respective person or entity's submissions. (Ord. 2012-O-10, 8-22-2012)