The Lake County watershed development ordinance, as most recently amended by the county of Lake on June 11, 2013, is hereby adopted by reference and is in full force and effect within the village of Green Oaks and is found in its own compilation.
   A.   The following more restrictive standards are hereby added to the provisions of the Lake County watershed development ordinance, as amended June 11, 2013, as adopted in this section where strike out indicates deletion of text and double underline indicates insertion of text:
Article IV, section B.1.c.(1):
   c. Release Rates And Discharges
   (1)   Unless otherwise specified in appendix J, an SMC- adopted basin plan or floodplain study, the detention volume required shall be calculated using a rating curve based on maximum release rates of 0.04 cubic feet per second per acre for the 2-year, 24-hour storm event and 0.15 cubic feet per second per acre for the 100-year, 24-hour storm event. The release rate requirement shall apply to the hydrologically disturbed area of the ownership parcel unless the enforcement officer determines that specific locations of the ownership parcel have unique circumstances such that the release rate shall apply to a broader or smaller area. The release rate requirements shall only apply to developments listed in article IV, section A.1.f. and article IV, section A.1.g. The volume of detention required shall be based on storing all the run-off from the site for the 100-year 24-hour storm event with zero release. An SMC approved hydrograph producing run-off calculation method shall be used to determine run-off volume.
   Article IV, section B.1.g.(3)(d) and (e):
   (3) Overland Flow Paths
   (d)   For overland flow paths with less than 20-acres tributary drainage area, all structures in parcels containing or adjoining to an overland flow path or other high water level designation shall have a lowest adjacent grade a minimum of one half (0.5) (1.0) foot above the design high water elevation.
   (e)   For overland flow paths with greater than or equal to 20-acres tributary drainage are but less than 100 acres, all structures in parcels containing or adjoining to an overland flow path or other high water level designation shall have a lowest adjacent grade a minimum of one (1.0) two (2.0) foot feet above the design high water elevation.
   Article IV, section B.1.j.(1)(k):
   (k)   Earthen embankments shall be constructed with side slopes no steeper than 3H:IV 4H:IV. Steeper slopes may be constructed with appropriate stabilization as approved by the enforcement officer.
      (Ord. 2013-O-10, 8-28-2013)