For the purpose of this Title, the following words, terms, phrases and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
CONSERVANCY DISTRICT: An area of the subdivision which shall be devoted to and maintained for the conservation of existing natural vegetation, open space, scenic preservation or other similar public interest purposes. Such districts may be either in the form of easements upon portions of the various lots in the subdivision, or may be dedicated or conveyed to the Village or such other entity as may be determined by the Village for the purpose of assuring that the area shall be perpetually conserved and maintained in the manner and for the public interest purposes which shall be specifically set forth when the district is created.
DEVELOPMENT: Any construction or an installation of site improvements, including but not limited to improvements for condominium ownership or other forms of right of use of improvements by more than one owner.
DRIVEWAY: Driveway shall mean any road surface on private property that provides vehicular access to only one building or the off-street parking or loading facilities serving only that building. Driveways which provide access to more than one building, parking area or loading area are considered to be private streets.
ENGINEER: A professional engineer registered as such and licensed to practice in the State of Illinois.
HEALTH OFFICER: The Director of the Lake County Health Department.
IMPACT FEE AGREEMENT: An agreement to be entered into between the Village and the developer under which various impact fees or other considerations are agreed upon and payment arranged. Where appropriate, long-term payment obligations shall be in such form that they can be recorded as liens upon the subdivision or covenants running with the land.
MAJOR THOROUGHFARE PLAN: The officially adopted major thoroughfare plan of the Village as the same may be adopted or amended, from time to time.
OFFICIAL MAP: The part of the Official Plan upon which is accurately designated all existing and proposed public rights of way and sites for other public uses.
OFFICIAL PLAN: The comprehensive plan of public improvements or part thereof looking to the present and future developments of the Village or any part thereof with all changes and amendments officially adopted from time to time by the Village Board.
OWNER: The individual, association, syndicate, copartnership, corporation, trust or any other legal entity having a proprietary interest in the land sought to be subdivided.
PEDESTRIAN WAY: A right of way, however designated, across or within a block for use by pedestrian traffic, and shall include, but not be limited to, sidewalks and crosswalks.
PERSON: Any individual, firm, association, syndicate, corporation, trust or any other legal entity.
PLAT OFFICER: The chairman of the Planning Commission 1 of the Village of Green Oaks.
STREET: The entire width between property lines of every way or place of whatever nature when any part thereof is open to the use of the public as a matter of right for the purpose of travel and transportation.
Collector Street: A street which carries traffic from minor streets to a thoroughfare, including the principal entrance streets of residential subdivisions, and streets for circulation within such subdivisions.
Cul-De-Sac: A short minor street ending in a turn-around designed and intended as a permanent terminus.
Expressway: A thoroughfare to which access is limited or controlled, designed to move vehicular traffic between communities or other large areas. Included in this definition are tollway, freeway and turnpike.
Half Street: That portion of the street on either side of a tract boundary when a proposed street has as its center line, or within its right of way, the boundaries of one or more tracts.
Marginal Access Street or Frontage Street: A minor street which is approximately parallel to and adjacent to a thoroughfare, and which provides access to abutting properties and protection from through traffic.
Minor Street: A street used primarily for access to abutting properties.
Private Street or Private Road: Private street or private road shall mean a minor street or common driveway, located upon an easement for that purpose, within a nonresidential development or subdivision, which provides access to more than one abutting building, parking area, loading area or property within the subdivision or development.
Street Width: The shortest distance between the lines delineating the right of way of a street.
Thoroughfare: A street with a considerable degree of continuity and serving as a traffic artery for intercommunication between areas of concentrated use, including but not limited to Federal, State, County and major township highways.
SUBDIVIDER: Any owner or other person proceeding under this Title to subdivide or develop land.
SUBDIVISION: A. Any division or redivision of any subdivision tract, parcel or lot of land into two (2) or more parts.
   B.   Includes resubdivision when appropriate to the context.
   C.   Subdivisions exempted from the terms of this Title are:
      1. A division of land into lots or parcels of five (5) acres or more and not involving any new streets or easements of access;
      2. Conveyances of land for use as rights of way for highway, railroad, or other public utilities not involving any new streets or easements of access; or
      3. Such other subdivision as may be specifically exempted herefrom by Illinois Compiled Statutes now in effect or as hereafter amended or passed.
Major Subdivision: Any subdivision not classified as a minor subdivision or not specifically exempted under the terms of this Title.
Minor Subdivision: Any subdivision containing five (5) lots or less and which:
   A.   Fronts on an existing improved public minor street;
   B.   Does not involve any new street or road or the extension of Municipal facilities;
   C.   Does not adversely affect the development of the remainder of the parcel or adjoining property; and
   D.   Does not conflict with any provision or portion of the Official Map or other applicable regulations or plans.
SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS: The Superintendent of Highways of the County of Lake.
SURVEYOR: A land surveyor registered as such in the State of Illinois.
ZONING OFFICER: The Building Commissioner 2 of the Village of Green Oaks.
ZONING TITLE: The Zoning Title of the Village of Green Oaks and all maps pertaining thereto as the same may be amended from time to time 3 . (Ord. 90-03, 7-25-90; amd. Ord. 92-01, 1-29-92)



1. See Title 1, Chapter 10, Article A of this Code.
1. See also Section 1-8-5 of this Code.
2. See Title 8 of this Code.