A. Special Conditions:
1. Scope of Work: The bids shall be made on the basis of the bidder providing nursery grown plant materials including the digging, balling and burlapping, delivery, and planting of the materials to the Village at the site of planting, Green Oaks, Illinois. The work shall consist of furnishing various trees of the species and varieties stated on the proposal form, which shall be planted by the vendor at the locations furnished by the Village. The Village shall reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids, and to modify the contract in accordance with the unit prices submitted by the bidder.
B. Plant Materials:
1. Source of Supply:
a. All plant materials supplied shall conform to the current edition (ANSIZ60.1) of the American Standard for Nursery Stock as approved by the American National Standards Institute, Inc.
b. Plant materials may be inspected and approved by the Village Forester, or his duly authorized representative, at the source of supply prior to digging. All materials are to be of highest quality.
c. All plant materials shall have been grown under climatic conditions similar to those in Chicago, Illinois.
d. All plants shall be freshly dug. No heeled-in plants or plants from cold storage will be accepted. One-sided plants or plants taken from tightly planted nursery rows will also be rejected. All plants shall be typical of their species or variety and shall have a sufficient normal growth of spread and height. They shall be sound, healthy and vigorous, well- branched and densely foliated when in leaf. They shall be free of disease, insect pests and larvae. They shall have healthy, well-developed root systems.
2. Measurements: Caliper of trees up to four inches (4") shall be taken six inches (6") above the ground level. Trees over four inches (4"+) shall be measured one foot (1') above the ground level.
3. Inspection:
a. All plant materials may be inspected and approved by the Village Forester, prior to digging.
b. Certificates of inspection of plant materials required by the Federal, State or other governmental agencies are to accompany all shipments within the State and outside Illinois.
c. Inspection and approval by the Village Forester at the source of supply does not abdicate the right of the Superintendent to reject any materials after they have been delivered to the site. Material from nurseries of greater distances than three hundred fifty (350) miles may not be selected prior to digging and delivery. A final determination of acceptability of the material will be made at the time of delivery. The Village will notify the nursery either by phone or in writing no more than five (5) days after delivery of all materials not acceptable to the Village Forester.
4. Digging and Handling:
a. Balling and Burlapping: Plant materials indicated "B&B" on the proposal form shall be balled and burlapped with firm, natural balls of earth. The balls shall be of sufficient depth and width to include adequate fibrous and feeding roots to insure full recovery and development of the plants. No plant dug with a ball shall be accented if the ball is broken before or during delivery operations, except by special approval of the Village Forester.
b. Machine Dug Materials:
(1) Wire baskets used instead of burlap shall have a liner of burlap inside the basket. Wire used for baskets shall be of a type which is not rust proof, such as aluminum or wire with an aluminized or galvanized coating.
(2) The ball size shall be increased at least two (2) sizes in diameter from those specified in ANSIZ60.1 1 when using a machine for digging which digs a tapered ball similar to the Vermeer digger.
c. Damaged Trees: Trees with broken major branches, or badly bruised or damaged bark, are not acceptable, and may be rejected by the Village Forester or the duly authorized representative.
d. Protection of Plants: Roots, balls and crowns, if in leaf, of all plants shall be protected at all times from sun and/or drying winds prior to and during delivery, and between the delivery site and planting site.
e. Topsoil: The successful bidder is to supply topsoil for backfilling of trees. Topsoil shall be reasonably free of subsoil, quack grass roots, noxious weed seeds, stones, lumps, plants or their roots, and other extraneous matter. Topsoil shall not be used for planting operations while in a frozen or muddy condition. All topsoil material shall be approved by the Village Forester.
f. Tree Pits: All tree pits shall be excavated to the depth below the finished grade required to accommodate a bed of top soil not less than six inches (6") in depth beneath the roots. The ball shall rest on this bed when the tree is properly set to a finished grade. All excavated material shall be removed and legally disposed of from the site. The pits shall be backfilled with top soil as the trees are set.
g. Coordination: All planting to be coordinated with the Village Forester.
h. Planting Time: All balled and burlapped plants which cannot be planted immediately upon delivery to the site shall be well protected with soil, wet straw, or other acceptable materials. All balled and burlapped plants shall be planted at their locations no later than three (3) days after delivery.
5. Quantities on Proposal: The quantity and size of plant materials designated on the proposal are approximate and may be increased or decreased at the discretion of the Village depending on availability of stock and nearest size required.
6. Guarantee and Replacements:
a. All prices for plant materials shall include a unit price for a one year guarantee on each tree and a unit price without a guarantee on each tree. The Village reserves the right to accept plant material with or without a guarantee. A guarantee shall extend for a period of one year from the date of delivery. Under no circumstances will the nursery stock supplier be obligated to a replacement beyond the one year guarantee period. Plants damaged by actions of employees of the Village, by acts of God, or by vandalism are not guaranteed. A guarantee is for replacement of a tree one time only.
b. Any plant which does not survive the guarantee period of one year and is alive but does not represent normal growth characteristics of health and vigor for the species or variety as determined by a representative of the Village shall be replaced at no cost to the Village. During the first growing season, injury from disease and/or insect problems attributable to nursery source from which the plant material originated which has damaged a plant so as to interfere with normal growth, health and vigor shall be replaced.
7. Alternate: Quotations on trees not designated, either size or species, must comply with all provisions of the above specifications. Any variations from these species will not be permitted unless approved by the Village Forester.
8. Nomenclature: The plants indicated to be provided shall be true to name and the nomenclature shall generally conform with that accepted in the nursery trade.
9. Substitutions: Substitutions for species will not be permitted. If proof is submitted that any plant specified is not obtainable, a proposal will be considered for use of nearest equivalent size or variety, with an equitable adjustment to the contract price. Such proof shall be substantiated in writing to the Village.
10. Labeling: The vendor shall plainly label all plant material with a waterproof label stating the botanical name and size of the respective species and variety. The labels shall be attached firmly to plants and shall be of such nature as to be plainly legible for at least sixty (60) days.
11. Delivery: All plantings are to be coordinated with the Village Forester at 2020 O'Plaine Road, Green Oaks, Illinois.
C. Planting Operations:
1. Layout: Locations for the plant materials, and outlines of the area to be planted, shall be marked on the ground and staked prior to any excavation.
2. Programming: It shall be the responsibility of the landscape contractor to schedule the planting operations to complete the work within the time allowed.
3. Planting Pits: Planting pits shall be excavated with vertical side and be circular in outline. (Ord. 94-29, 10-26-94)
1 | 1. American National Standards Institute, Inc. |