A.   No building or structure, or parts or appurtenances thereof, or improvements or changes upon any lot or parcel, such as water supply, sewage disposal, plumbing installation, electrical installation, excavation, drainage, landscaping, planting or removal of any trees, shrubbery or natural plants located in the village shall be erected, installed, altered, converted, remodeled, structurally repaired, moved, demolished, or changed except in conformity with the regulations and requirements established in this title and all other ordinances relating to building and zoning 1 . (Ord. 94-29, 10-26-1994)
   B.   All buildings and structures, and parts and appurtenances thereof, both existing and hereafter erected or installed shall be so maintained that the occupants and users thereof and others are reasonably safe from the hazards of fire, explosion, collapse, contagion and spread of infectious disease. If found by the building commissioner not so maintained, he may order necessary corrective work, repair, replacement, or removal.
   C.   These rules and regulations set forth requirements which are considered reasonable and are held, in every instance, to be the minimum for the promotion of public health, safety, and the general welfare. (Ord. 60-09, 5-12-1960)



1. See title 8 of this code for zoning regulations.