The following definitions shall apply to this section of the Zoning Ordinance and are in addition to the definitions found in Chapter 1111 of the Zoning Code.
(a) Addition. Any act or process that changes one or more of the exterior architectural features of a building or structure and increases the floor area of the building or structure.
(b) Alteration. Any act or process that changes one or more of the exterior architectural features of a building or structure, including but not limited to the erection, construction, reconstruction, or removal of the building or structure. Alteration shall include change in design, material or exterior architectural feature.
(c) Applicant. Any owner, association, partnership, corporation, or agents thereof, who applies for a Certificate of Appropriateness in order to undertake any change on premises subject to the regulations of this section.
(d) Certificate of Appropriateness. A document issued by the Planning Commission, as prescribed by Section
(e) Change. Any alteration, demolition, removal, construction or reconstruction involving any property subject to the provisions of this section.
(f) Construction. The act of constructing an addition to an existing structure or the erection of a new principal or accessory structure on a lot or property.
(g) Contributing Building. Any building designated as such pursuant to Section
(h) Demolition. Any act or process that razes or destroys, in whole or in part, any building subject to the provisions of this section.
(i) Exterior Architectural Feature. A functional or decorative element of a building including, but not limited to doors, windows, shutters, cornices, chimneys, latticework, walls, roofs, eaves, or porches, gutters, downspouts, stair rails and similar features.
(j) Historic District. An area designated as such pursuant to Section
(k) Historic Property. Any property designated by the Village as historic pursuant to Section
(l) Historic Site. A premises that contains something of archaeological or historical significance, may or may not include a contributing building, or be wholly within an historic district, and is designated by the procedures in Section
(m) Local Historic Landmark. Any building, structure, site or object that has been designated as a landmark pursuant to the provisions of Section
(n) Maintenance. Maintenance of a structure includes, but is not limited to, normal procedures to keep the structure in good condition. Maintenance includes cleaning, painting, patching, tuck-pointing, and replacement of a worn part with a new one of the same material and design. Ordinary maintenance is not considered an alteration unless it involves a change in design, material or exterior architectural feature, whether original or current, by a previous alteration.
(o) National Historic Landmark. A site, building, or object in private or public ownership, designated by the Secretary of the Interior to possess national significance in American history, architecture, archeology, or culture.
(p) Non-Contributing Building. A building that does not contribute to the distinctive character of an historic district. Typically constructed after most of the buildings in an historic district were built, Non-Contributing Buildings are usually of a different character than the contributing buildings due to their age and the difference in their scale, massing, material, and detailing. All buildings not identified as landmarks or contributing within an historic district are considered to be non-contributing buildings.
(q) Preservation. The act or process, including maintenance, of applying measures necessary to sustain the existing form, integrity and materials of a historic property.
(r) Reconstruction. The act or process of depicting by means of new construction, the form, features and detailing of a non-surviving site, landscape, building, structure, or a part thereof, for the purpose of replicating its appearance at a specific period of time and in its historic location.
(s) Rehabilitation. The act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving those portions and features which convey its historic, architectural, and cultural values.
(t) Restoration. The act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving those portions or features which convey its historical, cultural, or architectural values.
(u) Removal. Any relocation of a historic building or structure from its original location to another premises.
(v) Site Improvements. Any improvements made to property other than a dwelling or principal building, including but not limited to signs, accessory buildings and walls, fences, paving and parking areas, landscaping and street fixtures such as gaslights, benches, street signs, fountains, and sidewalks.
(Ord. 2013-04-CD. Passed 4-2-13.)