1141.04 STREETS.
   (a)   Interior public streets shall be paved according to the Village's street design standards. Interior private streets shall be properly lighted and maintained. The minimum paved roadway for private streets in a residential Planned Unit Development shall be as follows:
      (1)   Two-way road with parking on one side where approved - twenty-four feet;
      (2)   One-way road with parking on one side where approved - twenty feet;
      (3)   One-way road without parking - fifteen feet; and
      (4)   Alleys with parking on one side - eighteen feet.
   Parking along access roads shall be subject to the approval of Council and the Municipal Manager or authorized representative appointed by the Manager. In business or industrial Planned Unit Developments, the above minimum right-of-way widths shall be increased in accordance with the requirements of Council.
   (b)   Collector streets and major thoroughfares shall be designated as such by the developer upon submission of the general plans as provided for hereafter. Such designations shall be subject to modification by the Planning Commission and Council so that an efficient circulation system is established in relation to other existing or planned streets in the area. There shall be no access from a structure in the Planned Unit Development directly to a major thoroughfare, and direct access from individual structures or lots to collector streets shall be minimized.
   (c)   Off-street parking shall be provided outside the public or private right of way sufficient to accommodate the normal uses of any structure consistent with the requirements of Chapter 1147, and those persons who live or are employed on the premises as well as their social or business invitees. Screening of parking or service areas may be required through the use of such devices as are determined by the Planning Commission and Council. All parking spaces and service drives shall comply with the regulations contained in Chapter 1147.
(Ord. 2013-04-CD. Passed 4-2-13.)