(a)   Established. A Board for Emergency Relief is hereby established for the Municipality comprised of the Mayor, Police Chief, Fire Chief and Village Administrator.
   (b)   Purposes. It shall be the purpose of the Board to consolidate the skills and experience of its members in administering personal, family and community problems; to employ more effectively the resources of County and State agencies, and to establish a more cooperative relationship with County and State social welfare programs as they may relate to specific needs within the community.
   (c)   Disposition of Funds. All funds donated to the Municipality for the administration of personal, family and community service shall be paid into the Municipal Treasury and allocated to a special fund designated as the "Emergency Relief Fund". Such funds shall be used only for emergency personal, family and community services not provided for by local, State or Federal tax funds, when directed to the Municipal Treasury in writing by the Board.
   (d)   Organization. Individuals holding the offices and positions specified in subsection (a) hereof shall continue as members of the Board during their incumbency of such offices and positions. Members of the Board shall serve without compensation. The Mayor shall be chairman of the Board for Emergency Relief. The Board shall organize each year by electing a vice-chairman and secretary.
   (e)   Meetings. The Board shall hold meetings at least once during each six month period. Special meetings may be called by the chairman or any member of the Board.
   (f)   Annual Report. The Board shall deliver all funds in its possession to the Municipal Treasury and file with Council an annual report of its activities, receipts and disbursements.
(Ord. 745. Passed 4-2-63.)