It shall be unlawful to sound any horn, signal device, or attachment on a vehicle except as a necessary warning of danger to persons or property. It shall also be unlawful to create any grating, screeching, grinding, or squeaking noise, loud reports or shots, or other noises in the use of vehicles or appurtenances attached thereto.
(Prior Code, § 41.31) Penalty, see § 71.999
Those streets and parts of streets described in Schedule I of Chapter 74 are declared to be through streets. When signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall stop or yield as directed by the sign at every intersection before entering any of the streets and parts of streets described therein.
(Prior Code, § 41.14) Penalty, see § 71.999
A person who drives a vehicle approaching a roundabout shall do the following:
(A) Yield the right-of-way to all other vehicles already in the roundabout, even if entering the right lane of the roundabout; and
(B) Upon passing the street prior to the desired exit, drivers shall turn on his or her turn signal to indicate an impending exit.
(Ord. 2020-24, passed 6-10-2020)
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor vehicle within the incorporated limits of the City of Greenfield, Indiana using engine brakes, as defined in Title VII, Chapter 70 or any vehicle equipped with a dynamic braking device engaged. Violation of this provision shall be subject to the penalty provisions of § 71.999.
(Ord. 2022-30, passed 8-24-2022)