General Provisions
54.01 Stormwater utility
54.02 Stormwater utility user fee
54.03 Payment in lieu of taxes
54.04 Definitions
54.05 Stormwater utility user fee structure
54.06 Billing and collection
54.07 Program administration
54.08 Stormwater utility account
Stormwater Management
54.20 Authority and title
54.21 Applicability and exemptions
54.22 Purpose
54.23 Abbreviations
54.24 Definitions
54.25 Responsibility for administration
54.26 Conflicting ordinances
54.27 Disclaimer of liability
54.28 Prohibited discharges and connections
54.29 Stormwater quantity management
54.30 Stormwater pollution prevention for construction sites
54.31 Stormwater quality management for post-construction
54.32 Permit requirements and procedures
54.33 Enforcement
A stormwater utility user fee shall be imposed on each and every lot or parcel of real property within the city, including those classified as non-profit or tax exempt, for services and facilities provided by the stormwater utility. This user fee is deemed reasonable and is necessary to pay for the repair, replacement, planning, improvement, operation, regulation, and maintenance of the existing and future stormwater system for the city.
(Ord. 2004-36, passed 12-16-2004)