Upon the adoption of a declaration of need, during water shortages determined to be severe, customers shall be prohibited from selected water uses according to such terms and conditions as the Board shall adopt as part of its declaration of need with notice to all customers as set forth in § 52.073.
   (A)   Level 2 shall be comprised of methods of restricting water usage by customers to such times, terms, and conditions as the Mayor and/or Board shall determine appropriate. Level 2 does not contemplate a severe water shortage in the immediate future, but rather that mandatory conservation methods must be imposed to ensure adequate water and pressure for future needs.
   (B)   The customers shall be requested to cease or reduce water use for such items, including, but not limited to sprinkling, irrigating, or watering lawns, ground cover, gardens, and other landscaping; washing of automobiles, trucks, homes, or other non-essential equipment; the operation of ornamental fountains, wading, and swimming pools (which do not employ a filter and recirculating systems); and such other non-essential uses as may, from time to time, be determined by the Board.
   (C)   Special consideration shall be given regarding those persons whose businesses or livelihoods require a constant supply of water on a regular basis. These businesses include, but are not limited to car washes, garden centers, and restaurants.
(Ord. 2019-25, passed on 5-13-2020)