(A)   All employees should be able to work in an atmosphere free from all forms of employment discrimination, including physical harassment, verbal harassment, and sexual harassment. The city’s policy is to forbid harassment and any type of discrimination. This policy extends to every level of city operations. Accordingly, discrimination and harassment, whether by a fellow employee, supervisor, or executive officer, will not be tolerated. Activities of this nature serve no legitimate purpose, have a disruptive effect on an employee’s ability to perform, and undermine the integrity of the employment relationship.
   (B)   The city takes allegations of discrimination, physical harassment, verbal harassment, and sexual harassment very seriously. Any employee who believes that he or she is a victim of discrimination, verbal harassment, physical harassment, and/or sexual harassment should immediately bring the matter to the attention of his or her supervisor, or in the case where the supervisor has undertaken actions that constitute discrimination, physical harassment, verbal harassment, or sexual harassment, such employee shall contact the executive officer or his or her designee. All such matters will be treated confidentially, and with the utmost caution and discretion. The process for filing a harassment or discrimination charge against an official or employee of the city is set forth under § 36.007.
   (C)   Upon receipt of a charge of discrimination or harassment, the city will actively investigate all complaints of discrimination, verbal harassment, physical harassment, and sexual harassment, and if it is determined after conducting an investigation that discrimination, verbal harassment, physical harassment, or sexual harassment has occurred, the executive officer and/or Board will take appropriate disciplinary action against the employee or official determined to be in violation of this policy manual, up to and including terminating the term or employment of the official or employee determined to be in violation of the policy manual.