(A)   The Fire Department shall charge for all incidents involving the release or imminent uncontrolled release of hazardous materials, as defined in I.C. 13-11-2-96 et seq. The responsible party or parties of a hazardous materials emergency shall pay the following fees:
Initial Response
Command/control vehicle
Fire engine
Fire rescue unit
Hazardous material unit
Heavy rescue unit
Each Hour or Fraction Thereafter
Command/control vehicle
Fire engine
Fire rescue unit
Hazardous material unit
Heavy rescue unit
   (B)   In addition, the party or parties responsible for the dispatch of Fire Department apparatus under this division (B) shall pay for materials used and equipment replacement or repairs, if any, at the cost incurred by the Fire Department for said materials or replacement or repairs.
   (C)   All fees received pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the City Fire Department Hazardous Material Nonreverting Fund.
(Ord. 2015-8, passed 8-26-2015)