(a)   The Downtown Design Review Board (DDRB) is created to provide guidance and direction for buildings, properties, and other structures within the Historic Downtown Design District (HDDD), structures originally built as single-family residences. If a residence within the district is converted to commercial use, and alterations are requested to accommodate the business, then the provisions of this Section shall apply, and a Certified of Appropriateness shall be required. The guidance and direction includes, but is not limited to, providing a process to review plans and specifications for improvements, restoration activities, rehabilitation and renovation to buildings, properties and other structures; creating an architecturally appropriate downtown area; maintain, enhance and preserve the distinctive character and architectural integrity of buildings, properties and other structures and assure that future intrusions and alterations to buildings, properties and structures are architecturally and period appropriate, retaining environmental architectural, historical, economic and community development goals of the community. This Section does not apply to general maintenance, including, but not limited to repainting existing colors.
   (b)   Historic Downtown Design District; Boundaries. The Historic Downtown Design District (HDDD) shall be represented on Exhibit "A" attached to Ordinance 7-11.
   (c)   Downtown Design Review Board; Members; Meetings.
      (1)   The DDRB shall consist of five (5) members, appointed and approved by City Council and shall include two (2) downtown property and/or business owners, one (1) representative from the Greenfield Historical Society, one (1) representative from a financial institution and one (1) citizen at large. Members shall continue to serve until such time as a member's replacement has been appointed by City Council.
      (2)   Each member shall serve a three (3) year term, which shall be staggered as established by City Council.
      (3)   The DDRB shall meet monthly or at a time frequency determined by the Board.
   (d)   Certificate of Appropriateness. 
      (1)   No building, property or structure within the HDDD shall be altered, constructed, painted, including, but not limited to, facades, roofs, windows, signage, or doors, until a Certificate of Appropriateness application has been reviewed and approved by DDRB and a Certificate has been issued by the Board.
      (2)   All applications for a Certificate of Appropriateness shall be submitted to the City Manager's office on an application form provided by the City Manager's office.
   (e)   Project Evaluation and Review Criteria. 
      (1)   All projects submitted to the DDRB for Certificate of Appropriateness shall conform to the U.S. Secretary of Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring and Reconstructing Historic Buildings.
      (2)   All buildings, structures and sites are recognized as products of their own time, and alterations that have no historical basis, but seek to create appearance inconsistent or inappropriate to the original integrity of the building, structure or site shall be prohibited.
      (3)   Distinguishing original qualities or character of a historic building, structure, site and/or its environment shall be preserved where possible and practical.
      (4)   Changes which have occurred through time, and which have acquired significance should be recognized and respected.
      (5)   Repair of significant architectural features, when possible and practical, is preferred over replacement. When feasible, the repair or replacement shall accurately duplicate the feature, and be substantiated by historical, physical, or pictorial evidence.
      (6)   Contemporary design for alterations and additions to existing properties and the use of contemporary materials are not to be discouraged, when such design or use of materials does not destroy significant historical or architectural material, and the design or use of material is compatible and/or harmonious with the character of the property and area and existing materials.
      (7)   The surface cleaning of masonry structures shall utilize methods that minimize damage to the building materials.
      (8)   Reconstruction and/or rehabilitation of structures, buildings and open spaces within the HDDD shall conform to the distinguishing, original exterior qualities or character of the structure, its site, and its environment, when possible and practical, given environmental, architectural, historical, economic and community development considerations.
      (9)   The use of traditional exterior materials such as brick, stone, masonry and wood is encouraged. Contemporary materials such as aluminum, other metals, fiberglass and plastics for exterior surfaces are permitted when it is demonstrated that the use of traditional materials is clearly unfeasible given environmental, architectural, historical, economic and community development considerations, or when the use of contemporary material will contribute to preservation or enhancement of existing traditional materials and the overall integrity and longevity of a structure.
      (10)   New construction and/or additions to an existing structure should be harmonious with the existing structure and its surroundings, in design, materials and color, as much as is practical and feasible.
   (f)   Decisions by the Board. 
      (1)   Once a Certificate of Appropriateness has been fully completed and submitted by the applicant, the DDRB shall meet within thirty (30) days to evaluate and review the Certificate of Appropriateness .
      (2)   Upon evaluation and review, per Section 1107.11(e) the DDRB shall approve, deny, or modify the application. The Board shall clearly state the rationale for its decision in writing, and it shall be mailed to the applicant within thirty (30) days of the decision.
      (3)   Applications must be submitted to the City Manager's office no less than fifteen (15) days prior to a scheduled DDRB meeting.
      (4)   If an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness is denied, the property owner requesting the Certificate of Appropriateness may appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals within thirty (30) days of the written denial, and the appeal shall be handled by the procedures established in Section 1107.27.
   (g)   Signage.
      (1)   Proper signage is encouraged in that signs shall conform to what is typically associated with the era during which the structure was built, including overhanging signs.
      (2)   Overhanging signs (projecting signs) may not exceed twelve (12) square feet; with horizontal and vertical measurements not exceeding four (4) lineal feet. Such signs shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet above the sidewalk and may not hang beyond the street curb line. Such signs are prohibited over alleys. Overhanging signs shall not have internal lighting.
   (h)   Demolition. No demolition of any property shall be undertaken unless the owner of the premises has obtained a Certificate of Appropriateness. The DDRB shall grant the demolition and issue a Certificate of Appropriateness when at least one of the following conditions prevail:
      (1)   The structure contains no features of architectural and historic significance to the character of the HDDD.
      (2)   There exists no reasonable economic use for the structure as it exists or as it might be restored and that there is no feasible and prudent alternative to demolition.
      (3)   Deterioration has progressed to the point where it is not economically feasible to restore the structure.
      (4)   It is in the best interest of community development considerations to undertake the demolition.
   (i)   Planting or Replacement of Trees. The DDRB shall review and approve the planting or replacement of all street trees within the HDDD, as designated on the map of the HDDD. The DDRB shall always approve the planting of a Skyline Locust; however, the DDRB may approve a Lacebark Elm, London Planetree, Japanese Zelkova, or other species recommended by an urban arborist, if the DDRB determines, in its sole discretion, that such species would be appropriate for the location requested.
   (j)   Permit Required. A building and/or zoning permit also may be required for work performed in the HDDD. It is the property owner's responsibility to acquire all necessary permits prior to commencing the activity approved in the Certificate of Appropriateness.
   (k)   Enforcement and Penalty.
      (1)   The City Manager shall enforce this Section.
      (2)   Whoever violates any provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree. Each day on which a violation occurs or continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
         (Ord. 32-2020. Passed 1-19-21.)