Industrial Heavy districts accommodate areas of heavy and concentrated fabrication, manufacturing, and industrial uses that are suitable based upon adjacent land uses, access to transportation, and the availability of public services and facilities. It is the intent of these districts to provide an environment for industries that is unencumbered by nearby residential or commercial development. These districts:
   •   Must be located in areas where conflicts with other uses can be minimized to promote orderly transitions and buffers between uses;
   •   Are located for convenient access for existing and future arterial thoroughfares and railway lines; and
   •   Support efforts to diversify the economic base, pro- mote the safe storage of hazardous materials in locations that do not endanger neighborhoods and establish appropriate locations and standards for heavy industrial activities, such as the storage of hazardous and toxic materials.
   (a)   Permitted Uses. See Section 1103.11 Use Regulations of this chapter.
   (b)   Dimensional Standards. The dimensional standards within the "IH" district are outlined in Table 1103-11 (see Figure1103-8).
   (c)   General Provisions.
      (1)   All driveways, parking areas, and pedestrian ways shall be surfaced with an all-weather surface. Curb and gutter shall be provided where required by the street design standards (Chapter 1109 Subdivision Regulations).
      (2)   All delivery and freight handling areas shall be screened from the boundary of any property not zoned "IL" (Industrial Light) or "IH" (Industrial Heavy).
      (3)   Sites shall not be accessed from residential streets.
   (d)   Building Design. Building design shall conform to the appropriate building type design standards (Section 1105.27 Building Design).
Table 1103-11 Dimensional Standard "IH" (Industrial Heavy)
Zoning District
Lot size (minimum, square feet)
Density (maximum, dwelling units per gross acre)
Frontage (minimum, feet)
Lot width (minimum, feet)
Lot width (maximum, feet)
Height (maximum, feet)
Stories (maximum)
Front setback (minimum, feet)
Maximum front setback (maximum, feet)
Side setback (minimum, feet)
Rear setback (minimum, feet)
Lot coverage (maximum, percent)
Minimum frontage built-out (percent)
A dash ("-") means "not applicable."
Figure 1103-8
Dimensional Standards - Industrial Heavy (IH)
(Ord. 32-2020. Passed 1-19-21.)