Neighborhood Urban districts provide areas for medium to high-density, single- family residential uses mixed with a variety of housing types where adequate public facilities and services exist with capacity to serve development. These districts are composed mainly of areas containing a mixture of single-family, two-family, and multifamily dwellings, and open space where similar residential development seems likely to occur.
   The district regulations are designed to encourage a suitable neighborhood environment for family life by including among the permitted uses such facilities as schools and churches, and to preserve the openness of the area by requiring certain minimum yard and area standards. Mixed residential districts provide flexible minimum lot size and density requirements in order to allow for market and design flexibility while preserving the neighborhood character and permitting applicants to cluster development in order to preserve environmentally sensitive and agricultural land areas. These districts encourage more intensive development in and near neighborhood centers with less intensive development between neighborhood centers. They provide a full range of housing choices and promote a sense of community, urban vitality, and the efficient provision of infrastructure.
   (a)   Permitted Uses. See Section 1103.11 Use Regulations of this chapter.
   (b)   Dimensional Standards. The dimensional standards within the "NU" (Neighborhood Urban) district are outlined in Table 1103-6 (see Figure 1103-3).
   (c)   Building Design. Building design shall conform to the appropriate building type design standards (Section 1105.27 Building Design).
Table 1103-6 Dimensional Standards - "NU"
Zoning District
Lot size (minimum, square feet)
Density (maximum, dwelling units per gross acre)
Frontage (minimum, feet)
Lot width (minimum, feet)
Lot width (maximum, feet)
Height (maximum, feet)
Stories (maximum)
Front setback (minimum, feet)
Maximum front setback (maximum, feet)
Side setback (minimum, feet)
Rear setback (minimum, feet)
Lot coverage (maximum, percent)
Maximum building size (individual)
Maximum building size (aggregate)
Figure 1103-3 Dimensional Standards - "NU" (Neighborhood Urban)
(Ord. 32-2020. Passed 1-19-21.)