EDITOR’S NOTE: There are no sections in Chapter 1307. Pursuant to Ordinance 714, passed on July 21, 1955, all commercial, business and industrial buildings over 800 square feet are subject to State Building Code requirements and must be approved by the proper State officials. However, the applicant still must secure a building permit from the Building Inspector before commencing construction within the City pursuant to Ordinance 16-76, passed on June 2, 1976.
Authority to regulate building erection - see Ohio R.C. 715.26, 737.28
Ohio Basic Building Code - see OAC 4101:2
One, Two and Three-Family Dwellings - see BLDG. Ch. 1303
Permits and fees - see BLDG. Ch. 1311
Construction in flood hazard areas - see BLDG. 1315.01