§ 114.05  EXCEPTIONS.
   (A)   This chapter shall not apply to service stations, repair shops, or garages unless the operation thereof would also fall within the definition of junkyard or automobile graveyards as defined in § 114.03.
   (B)   Junkyards or automobile graveyards existing as of the effective date of this chapter may be operated and/or maintained without restrictions of this chapter, if the junkyard or automobile graveyard shall be surrounded by opaque fence or wire fence with vegetation as defined above where the fencing shall be necessary to screen the view of persons from public roads, schools, rural volunteer fire departments, churches, or residential areas, and where such screening is not already substantially provided by natural vegetation, or other natural barriers; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall require fencing, as defined herein, which would not be substantially effective to create a barrier to the view of the public to the junkyard or automobile graveyard. Any fence used within the meaning of this section shall be a fence as defined in § 114.03 and, if a wire fence shall be used in conjunction with vegetation as described above. If a wire fence with vegetation is used, the plants shall be planted on at least one side of  the wire fence and as close as practical to the fence. Vegetation shall be of a type that will reach a minimum height of six feet at maturity, and shall be planted at intervals evenly spaced and in close proximity to each other so that a continuous unbroken hedgerow will exist to a height of at least six feet along the links of the wire fence surrounding the junkyard or automobile graveyard when the vegetation reaches maturity. The height of any plants used must be at least 12 inches at the time of planting. Each owner, operator, or maintainer of a junkyard or automobile graveyard to which this chapter applies, and who chooses to use vegetation as defined in § 114.03 with wire fences, shall utilize good husbandry techniques with respect to the vegetation, including, but not limited to, proper pruning, proper fertilizer, and proper mulching, so that the vegetation will reach maturity as soon as practical and will have maximum density in foliage. Dead or diseased vegetation shall be removed and must be replanted at the next appropriate planting time; and the opaque fence, or wire fence and vegetation, shall be maintained in good condition. The opaque fence, or wire fence, shall have at least one gate for the purpose of ingress and egress.
   (C)   The Planning Board may grant a variance to the fencing requirement based upon good cause shown. Applications for such variance shall be made to the Greene County Planner under the provisions of §§ 114.06 and 114.07.
(Ord. passed 4-2-07)