(A)   The registration certificate required by § 112.16 shall contain the following information:
      (1)   The name and home address of the registrant;
      (2)   The name and address of any person, firm, or corporation by whom the registrant is employed or represents;
      (3)   A photograph of the registrant;
      (4)   The date of issuance of the registration certificate;
      (5)   The expiration date of the registration certificate;
      (6)   A description of the thing to be sold and/or services to be performed; and
      (7)   A declaration by the Clerk-Treasurer that the registrant has complied with all prerequisites for issuance of the registration certificate.
   (B)   Every registration certificate as required by § 112.16 shall expire six calendar months after the date issued. If the registrant wishes to continue his or her business after expiration of his or her certificate, a new registration certificate must be obtained. No registration certificate issued under this chapter shall in any manner be assignable or transferable, or authorize any other person than the registrant to sell or solicit, or authorize the sale of, or solicitation for, any other class of articles than those specified in the registration certificates.
(1985 Code, § 3-3-5) (Ord. 4-1968, passed 11-12-1968; Ord. 6A-1984, passed - -1984)