Residential users will be billed for sewage service in accordance with the rates set out in § 53.36, except that bills rendered during the months of May through October - shall be determined using the average water consumption for the preceding period of November through April. However, where it is shown to the satisfaction of the City Council that the consumers have not used more metered water during the months of May through October for sprinkling purposes, the sewer users shall not be eligible for the sprinkling credit, but rather will be billed on actual metered water used.
(1985 Code, § 6-8-5) (Ord. 2-1962, passed 2-26-1962; Ord. 5-1977, passed 6-14-1977; Ord. 13-1981, passed 12-8-1981; Ord. 9-1984, passed - -1984; Ord. 2012-11, passed 9-12-2012; Ord. 2018-9, passed 11-14-2018)