§ 40.200   SPEED LIMITS
   (A)   It shall be unlawful and a violation of this section for any person to operate a motor vehicle or any other kind of vehicle on any city street, alley, or public passway within the city at a speed greater than twenty (20) miles per hour; provided however, that the speed limit for Interstate Drive within the city shall be, and hereby is, fixed at thirty-five (35) miles per hour and it shall be unlawful and a violation of this section for any person to operate a motor vehicle or any other kind of vehicle of Interstate Drive at a speed greater than thirty-five (35) miles per hour. Provided further, however, the speed limit for College Street and Landsdowne Avenue be, and the same hereby is, fixed at thirty (30) miles per hour and it shall be unlawful and a violation of this section for any person to operate a motor vehicle or any other kind of vehicle on College Street or Landsdowne Avenue at a speed greater than thirty (30) miles per hour.
   (B)   The Street Department is directed to post appropriate speed limit signs at the locations specified in subsection (A).
   (C)   This section shall not apply to any street that is a federal or state highway.
(Ord. 17-1980, passed 11-3-80; Am. Ord. 7-2002, passed 12-3-02; Am. Ord. 11-2003, passed 7-8-03)
Cross reference:
   Penalty for violation, see § 40.999