(a)   Application for a Zoning and Architectural Permit in the VGD shall be submitted with eight complete copies of the required plan (except for any required samples of exterior materials where only one sample of each material is required), to the Zoning Inspector.
   Applications must be complete in order to be processed. However, partial processing of an application by the Village does not eliminate the requirement for providing further information as necessary to meet the review as described in this Chapter 1173. The time frames as established in Section 1141.05 shall be applicable.
   (b)    After staff review and recommendations, the application and plans shall be forwarded to the Planning Commission for hearing. The Commission may request additional information from the Zoning Inspector in order to make its recommendation. In determining the acceptability of the site plan, the Commission shall consider all of the requirements in the development standards and design guidelines of Section 1173.03.
   (c)    In the case of an application for one or more conditional uses and/or applications involving one or more variances, after the hearing and consideration, the Commission shall, either with or without application modifications, approve the application contingent on the applicant obtaining the approval, under the application as contingently approved by the Commission, of the Board of Building and Zoning Appeals of any conditional uses(s) and variance(s), or deny the application. In all other cases, after the hearing and consideration, the Commission shall approve or deny the application, or approve with modifications.
   (d)    Thereafter, the Zoning Inspector shall issue or refuse to issue a Zoning and Architectural Permit. In all circumstances, the site plan shall be considered a condition of approval of the application. Construction must start within twelve months and be completed within twenty-four months from the date of final approval. With approval of the Commission, subsequent minor modifications of the approved site plan may be made, provided such changes do not alter the essential character, as determined by the Commission, of the original plan as approved. If the Commission determines that such changes are significant, the site plan shall be resubmitted to the Commission for approval as a new application. Any new construction, exterior modification or structural alteration to existing structures which proceed prior to final approval of the site plan shall be deemed to be an abatable nuisance.
   (e)    Appeals. Appeals from decisions of the Commission on an application for site plan approval may be had as provided in Chapter 1141.
(Ord. 07-08. Passed 8-6-08.)
   exterior lighting commercial and residential requirements
I.   Prior to the approval of a Zoning Permit and/or Certificate of Occupancy, a plan which complies with the following exterior lighting requirements shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Commission and Village Planner.
II.   All developments with 10 or more parking spaces shall provide exterior lighting for all exterior doorways, pedestrian pathways and other areas as determined necessary by the Planning Commission.
III.   All developments with less than 10 parking spaces shall provide exterior lighting at all exterior doorways, pedestrian pathways and other areas as determined necessary by the Planning Commission.
IV.   New Lighting Equipment Standards for Residential/Commercial.
Luminaire shall be metal-halide Granville prismatic glass acorn with leaf ballast casting and a 3" inch clear decorative finial. The pole shall be a 12' Charleston cast aluminum pole with a 4" smooth diameter shaft. Luminaire wattage shall be 100 watts for residential; and a maximum of 175 watts for commercial sites. The Granville luminaire and Charleston pole shall be factory painted Granville Dark Green.
V.   New Lighting Equipment Standards for Commercial/Roadway.
Luminaire shall be a metal-halide Esplanade prismatic glass teardrop. The pole shall be a Columbia cast iron and steel fluted pole with a 6' West Liberty crossarm with cast finial cover. Luminaire wattage shall be 100 for residential; and a maximum of 400 watts for commercial sites. Pole heights shall be determined by site lighting requirements. The Esplanade luminaire shall be painted Granville Dark Green. The Columbia pole and West Liberty crossarm shall be painted in the field to march the Esplanade luminaire.
VI.   Site Lighting Criteria:
   A.   All exterior lighting shall meet the following requirements and shall be demonstrated on all plan submittals:
      1.   0.5 footcandles minimum maintained measured at grade in all vehicular use areas and pedestrians pathways. Actual site measurement compliance shall not drop below this minimum stated. For design purposes, the light loss factor (LLF) shall be calculated at:
            0.7 LLF for Metal Halide lamp sources
      2.   Lighting uniformity shall not exceed:
            10:1 Maximum to minimum light levels
            4:1 Average to minimum light levels
      3.   Pole height limitations: Height shall be measured from finished grade to top of pole unless otherwise limited by Planning Commission.
12 feet maximum
28 feet maximum
28 feet maximum
Determined by Planning Commission
VII.   Light Trespass Criteria:
   A.   Light originating on a site shall not be permitted beyond the site to exceed the following values when measured at grade twenty-five (25) feet beyond the property line for the following adjacent properties:
0.5 footcandles
0.5 footcandles
1.0 footcandles
2.0 footcandles
Determined by Planning Commission
VIII.   Glare Control Criteria:
   A.   Lighting required by the Building Code for emergency egress when operating in emergency conditions shall meet all code requirements.
IX.   Lighting Plan Submitted Criteria:
   A.   Submit scaled building plans and elevations showing property boundaries, building location(s), parking lot layout, driveways, pedestrian pathways, all building entrances, adjacent rights-of-way, north arrow, scale, address or legal description. Show locations of all luminaires, controls, and electrical transformers.
   B.   Submit cut sheets (profiles) for all proposed exterior luminaires and poles.
   C.   Submit scaled isofootcandle plots and/or point-by-point footcandle layouts defining compliance.
   D.   Changes during the design and/or construction process after Planning and Zoning Department approval, shall be reviewed for re-approval prior to final acceptance.