(a) Lot, Building and Other Requirements.
Density | Maximum of eight (8) dwelling units per acre. | |
Lot Coverage | Lot coverage shall not exceed 60%. In measuring lot coverage, all buildings and other impervious areas, such as parking areas, sidewalks, loading areas, driveways and driveway areas, shall be included. | Lot coverage shall not exceed 60%. In measuring lot coverage, all buildings and other impervious areas, such as parking areas, sidewalks, loading areas, driveways and driveway areas, shall be included. |
Building Orientation | Where feasible, office buildings shall be clustered and arranged in a campus like setting to facilitate common open space. A building shall be oriented so that a principal or primary facade faces each street on which the building fronts. Buildings must have a primary entrance door facing a public sidewalk or pathway. Entrances at building corners may be used to satisfy this requirement. Building entrances may include doors to individual shops or businesses, lobby entrances, entrances to pedestrian-oriented plazas, or courtyard entrances to a cluster of shops or businesses. | All elevations of a building's exterior design shall be coordinated with regard to color, materials, architectural form, and detailing. The design of a building must wrap around the sides to present a continuity of design on all exposed sides. |
Building Orientation (cont.) | The design of the principal or primary facade shall enhance the pedestrian environment by the use of such architectural elements as doorways, dormers, gables, porches, columns, and cornices. Upper story features such as balconies, mezzanines, and atriums, shall be encouraged provided that they are in proportion to the scale of the rest of the building. All elevations of a building's exterior design shall be coordinated with regard to color, materials, architectural form, and detailing. The design of a building must wrap around the sides to present a continuity of design on all exposed sides. | |
Maximum Single Tenant or Single Use (does not apply to office or institutional uses) | 8,000 gross square feet. | Not applicable. |
Maximum Single Building Size (does not apply to office or institutional uses) | 10,000 gross square feet. In mixed use buildings the maximum allowable gross retail square footage shall be 10,000 square feet. | In mixed use buildings the maximum number of residential dwelling units shall not exceed six (6). |
Lot Size | The minimum and maximum lot size shall be determined by the Planning Commission and shall be based on site conditions and the requirements established within this code for the proposed use of the lot. The combining of lots to accomplish a larger development scheme is strongly encouraged. | The minimum and maximum lot size shall be determined by the Planning Commission and shall be based on site conditions and the requirements established within this code for the proposed use of the lot. The combining of lots to accomplish a larger development scheme is strongly encouraged. |
Front Yard Setbacks | 75 feet from the centerline along arterial streets (for example, Main Street and Cherry Valley Road). However, this standard may be reduced in existing "built-up" areas where a lesser setback area has been previously established and approved. 20-foot minimum setback from the right-of-way along secondary streets (collector, local, cul-de-sac, and service streets). | 75 feet from the centerline along arterial streets (for example, Main Street and Cherry Valley Road). However, this standard may be reduced in existing "built-up" areas where a lesser setback area has been previously established and approved. 20-foot minimum setback from the right-of-way along secondary streets (collector, local, cul-de-sac, and service streets). |
Side Yard Setbacks | 15 feet minimum but can be waived or adjusted by the Planning Commission when applied to similar adjoining uses. | 15 feet minimum but can be waived or adjusted by the Planning Commission when applied to similar adjoining uses. |
Rear Yard Setbacks | 15 feet but can be waived or adjusted by the Planning Commission when applied to similar adjoining uses. On lots that are double-fronted, each side adjacent to a street shall be considered as a front yard and the rear yard regulations shall not apply. | 15 feet but can be waived or adjusted by the Planning Commission when applied to similar adjoining uses. On lots that are double-fronted, each side adjacent to a street shall be considered as a front yard and the rear yard regulations shall not apply. |
On-Site Parking | A single row of parking may be located between the front façade and the roadway, so long as the parking areas are located no closer than ten feet to the right-of-way line. Maximum of 1 space per 250 square feet of building space, except in the case of medical and dental offices and clinics where there shall be a maximum of 1 space per 200 square feet of building space. Off street parking shall be provided by each use but is not required to be on that specific parcel. Shared parking strategies are encouraged. Shared parking with adjacent uses and properties shall be maximized. Shared parking on the same property shall be permitted where adjacent uses will have a need for the parking spaces at different times (for example, where office or commercial may be located on a first floor with residential on an upper floor). Off-site spaces shall be within 300 feet walking distance of a building entrance or use. If the pedestrian access is to cross an arterial street, appropriate safety measures must be present to assist the pedestrian to cross the street. In any event, safe and convenient access, such as a sidewalk or path, must exist or be provided by the property owner from the structure or use to the parking area. | A single row of parking may be located between the front façade and the roadway, so long as the parking areas are located no closer than ten feet to the right-of-way line. Maximum parking ratio of two (2) spaces per unit in the case of multifamily uses, excluding garages. Minimum parking ratio of 1.75 spaces per unit. Parking areas must contain internal landscaped islands at a rate of a minimum of 200 square feet for every ten (10) parking spaces. Parking areas must contain a minimum of 1 deciduous tree for every ten (10) parking spaces in the internal landscaped islands. Parking areas must be screened from the view of the public right-of-way, residential areas, and any open space areas by a 36-42 inch minimum continuous hedge, or by a 42 inch brick or natural stone wall. No parking or drive aisles will be permitted in any setback other than in the case of drive aisles where necessary to grant ingress and egress; or when allowed as part of a larger development scheme and applied to similar adjoining uses. |
On-Site Parking (Cont.) | Parking areas must contain internal landscaped islands at a rate of a minimum of 200 square feet for every ten (10) parking spaces. Parking areas must contain a minimum of 1 deciduous tree for every ten (10)parking spaces in the internal landscaped islands. Parking areas must be screened from the view of the public right-of-way, residential areas, and any open space areas by a 36-42 inch minimum continuous hedge, or by a 42 inch brick or natural stone wall. No parking or drive aisles will be permitted in any setback other than in the case of drive aisles where necessary to grant ingress and egress; or when allowed as part of a larger development scheme and applied to similar adjoining uses. If parking or a drive aisle is located within the front setback, a tree lawn and sidewalk shall still be required between the parking/drive aisle and the street. A deviation from these parking regulations may be recommended by the Planning Commission to the BZBA where appropriate to the integrity of the development plan. | A deviation from these parking regulations may be recommended by the Planning Commission to the BZBA where appropriate to the integrity of the development plan. |
Access Points | Access points shall be combined with adjacent uses and properties to minimize the number of access points. Access points on South Main Street are designated in the South Main Street Corridor Study. | Access points shall be combined with adjacent uses and properties to minimize the number of access points. Access points on South Main Street are designated in the South Main Street Corridor Study. |
Berms/Landscaping Mounds | No berms or landscaping mounds are permitted. | No berms or landscaping mounds are permitted. |
Sidewalks/Pathways | Minimum of 6 feet wide in front of retail, office, civic and institutional uses. | Minimum of 6 feet wide required along all public rights-of-way. |
Sidewalks/Pathways (cont.) | Any sidewalk/pathway that is installed as part of the pathway plan and/or along roadways shall be required to meet the width requirements of the Village Pathway Plan. Required along all public rights of way. Shall be integrated with the Village's pathways plan. Property owners will be required to design and construct any portions of the Village Pathway Plan that are within the borders of their property and to dedicate such portions of the pathway to public use. | Any sidewalk/pathway that is installed as part of the pathway plan and/or along roadways shall be required to meet the width requirements of the Village Pathway Plan. Shall be integrated with the Village's pathways plan. Property owners will be required to design and construct any portions of the Village Pathway Plan that are within the borders of their property and to dedicate such portions of the pathway to public use. |
Street Trees | The width of tree lawns and street planting zones shall meet the requirements specified in Chapter 1193. Street trees must be planted in straight lines along each side of any street or public right-of-way. Street trees shall be planted no less than 24 feet and no more than 36 feet on center. Each street tree shall have at least 100 square feet of water permeable surface centered on the tree trunk to help ensure adequate root moisture. | The width of tree lawns and street planting zones shall meet the requirements specified in Chapter 1193. Street trees must be planted in straight lines along each side of any street or public right-of-way. Street trees shall be planted no less than 24 feet and no more than 36 feet on center. Each street tree shall have at least 100 square feet of water permeable surface centered on the tree trunk to help ensure adequate root moisture. |
Walls, Fences and Hedges | Fences and hedges are permitted in the front yard setback to a maximum height of 42 inches. Walls used to screen service areas shall be brick or stone (except that wood may be used where the principal material used on the building is also wood) to a minimum height of 1 foot higher than service area being screened; and shall be screened on all four sides where feasible. ("Service area" includes loading docks, waste collection units, utility vaults that extend above the surface and other equipment providing service to a building or site.) | Fences and hedges are permitted in the front yard setback to a maximum height of 42 inches. Walls used to screen service areas shall be brick or stone (except that wood may be used where the principal material used on the building is also wood) to a minimum height of 1 foot higher than service area being screened; and shall be screened on all four sides where feasible. ("Service area" includes loading docks, waste collection units, utility vaults that extend above the surface and other equipment providing service to a building or site.) |
Walls, Fences and Hedges (cont.) | Non-residential uses shall be separated from other uses at the side and rear by a continuous hedge of landscaping, or brick or stone wall. These hedges or walls shall be 42 inches high. | Residential uses shall be separated from other uses at the side and rear by a continuous hedge of landscaping, or brick or stone wall. These hedges or walls shall be 42 inches high. |
Open Space | Lot coverage shall not exceed 60%. In measuring lot coverage, all buildings and other impervious areas, such as parking areas, sidewalks, loading areas, driveways and driveway areas shall be included. Open space designations shall be designed to be combined with other open space areas on adjacent properties as a "unified development". Rights of way shall not be counted as open space. | Lot coverage shall not exceed 60%. In measuring lot coverage, all buildings and other impervious areas, such as parking areas, sidewalks, loading areas, driveways and driveway areas, shall be included. Open space designations shall be designed to be combined with other open space areas on adjacent properties as a "unified development". Rights of way shall not be counted as open space. |
Detention Basins and Retention Ponds | Detention basins shall be designed by a landscape architect in conjunction with an engineer to ensure that they incorporate naturalistic shapes and that they are planted and maintained in an attractive manner. Scenic retention ponds are encouraged as a means of treating non-point source pollutants. 40% of the perimeter of these ponds, at the outfall, shall be planted in native wetland plantings. The use of low-impact design systems shall be strongly encouraged. | Detention basins shall be designed by a landscape architect in conjunction with an engineer to ensure that they incorporate naturalistic shapes and that they are planted and maintained in an attractive manner. Scenic retention ponds are encouraged as a means of treating non-point source pollutants. 40% of the perimeter of these ponds, at the outfall, shall be planted in native wetland plantings. The use of low-impact design systems shall be strongly encouraged. |
Building Style | Building design shall be of traditional American styles, such as: Post medieval English, Dutch Colonial, French Colonial, Georgian, Adam, Federal, Greek Revival, Gothic Revival, Italianate, Stick, Queen Anne, Shingle, Folk Victorian, New England Colonial, Saltbox, or Vernacular Farmhouse. Commercial or mixed use buildings shall be a minimum of 1 story and a maximum of 3 stories. All other buildings shall be a minimum of 2 stories in appearance and a maximum of 3 stories. The number of stories shall be measured from the front elevation. | Building design shall be of traditional American styles, such as: Post medieval English, Dutch Colonial, French Colonial, Georgian, Adam, Federal, Greek Revival, Gothic Revival, Italianate, Stick, Queen Anne, Shingle, Folk Victorian, New England Colonial, Saltbox, or Vernacular Farmhouse. Buildings shall be a minimum of 1 story and a maximum of 3 stories. The number of stories shall be measured from the front elevation. The entrance to the first floor of any structure shall be at or above grade. |
Building Style (cont.) | The entrance to the first floor of any structure shall be at or above grade. Buildings which the ordinary reasonable person would readily associate with a particular entity based on viewing two or more other buildings used by the entity, will be considered in their entirety as signs. As such, all exterior surface square footage shall be taken into account under applicable sign ordinances and regulations. | |
Building Massing | Building massing shall be appropriate, including as related to surrounding setbacks, surrounding buildings, the spaces which are created by the building, and the scale. The appropriate architectural massing and scale shall be achieved by close adherence to the scale and proportioning systems of the traditional American styles. | Building massing shall be appropriate, including as related to surrounding setbacks, surrounding buildings, the spaces which are created by the building, and the scale. The appropriate architectural massing and scale shall be achieved by close adherence to the scale and proportioning systems of the traditional American styles. |
Roof | Simple gable roof forms and dormers are the most consistent with the architectural context of the Village and are encouraged. Roof structures (including air conditioning units and satellite dishes) shall be screened from view on all sides. Roof design shall be reviewed as part of the building design review. The roof design shall be required to be consistent with the architectural style of the building. One story structures shall not have the appearance of a flat roof, and parapet or mansard-style roofs are permitted. | Simple gable roof forms and dormers are the most consistent with the architectural context of the Village and are encouraged. Roof design shall be reviewed as part of the building design review. The roof design shall be required to be consistent with the architectural style of the building. One story structures shall not have the appearance of a flat roof, and parapet or mansard-style roofs are permitted. |
Windows | Window arrangement on all facades shall be simple and harmonious. Horizontal strip windows are prohibited. | Window arrangement on all facades shall be simple and harmonious. Horizontal strip windows are prohibited. |
Windows (cont.) | Divided or simulated divided light windows, and/or mullions, are encouraged for all windows, including those used for retail display. Shutters, if used, must each be one half of the width of the window so they appear to be able to cover the window opening if closed. | Divided or simulated divided light windows, and/or mullions, are encouraged for all windows. Shutters, if used, must each be one half of the width of the window so they appear to be able to cover the window opening if closed. |
Materials | Building materials shall be natural in appearance. Brick, stone, and wood siding or equivalent materials are preferred. For example, Hardiplank siding would be considered an equivalent to wood siding in appearance; and cultured stone may also be considered equivalent to natural stone in appearance. Vinyl siding, aluminum siding, cement block, and split-faced block shall be prohibited except that cementitious foundations shall be permitted only within 16 inches of grade. Chimneys shall be brick or stone. For the purpose of this chapter, stone includes both natural stone and cultured stone that is both natural in appearance and is designed to appear native to this region of the country. Brick shall be of a traditional natural range of colors, and not exotic nontraditional varieties, such as white, tan, cream, chocolate brown, glazed, spray painted to resemble used brick. Brick may be painted if the entire exterior surface of the brick and related mortar is painted the same color. | Building materials shall be natural in appearance. Brick, stone, and wood siding or equivalent materials are preferred. For example, Hardiplank siding would be considered an equivalent to wood siding in appearance; and cultured stone may also be considered equivalent to natural stone in appearance. Vinyl siding, aluminum siding, cement block, and split-faced block shall be prohibited except that cementitious foundations shall be permitted only within 16 inches of grade. Chimneys shall be brick or stone. A wood-faced chimney, above the foundation and footers, would also be permitted where the primary exterior material on the building is wood siding. For the purpose of this chapter, stone includes both natural stone and cultured stone that is both natural in appearance and is designed to appear native to this region of the country. Brick shall be of a traditional natural range of colors, and not exotic nontraditional varieties, such as white, tan, cream, chocolate brown, glazed, or spray painted to resemble used brick. Brick may be painted if the entire exterior surface of the brick and related mortar is painted the same color. |
Garages | No above grade garages are permitted. | Garages must be set back a minimum of 4 feet from the front facade of the dwelling unit. No garage door facing a street shall be larger than 9 feet in width. Garage doors are recommended to be rear or side loaded. There shall be no more than 2 adjacent garage doors facing the street per unit. If garage doors are facing the street, additional screening may be required. |
Lighting | All lighting shall be natural in appearance (approximate spectrum of sunlight), with a maximum level of five (5) footcandles anywhere on the site. Light trespass measured on contiguous residential property shall not exceed 0.1 footcandles. Light standards in non-residential areas shall not exceed 25 feet in height. Lighting for security, walkways, roadways, and parking lots shall only use shielded light fixtures. Parking area lights should be "full cutoff design" or have shields such that they do not put any light above the horizon and will be mounted to not shine on roadways and neighboring properties. For commercial and industrial uses, light fixtures shall be equipped with automatic timing devices that turn off or reduce lighting during non-operating hours. Light fixtures used to illuminate objects mounted on pole, pedestal, or platform shall use a narrow beam of light that shall not extend beyond the illuminated object. Other upward directed architectural, landscape, or decorative light emissions shall have at least 90% of distribution pattern within the profile of the illuminated structure. | All lighting shall be natural in appearance (approximate spectrum of sunlight), with a maximum level of five (5) footcandles anywhere on the site. Light standards in residential areas shall not exceed 16 feet in height. Lighting for security, walkways, roadways, and parking lots shall only use shielded light fixtures. Parking area lights should be "full cutoff design" or have shields such that they do not put any light above the horizon and will be mounted to not shine on roadways and neighboring properties. Light fixtures used to illuminate objects mounted on pole, pedestal, or platform shall use a narrow beam of light that shall not extend beyond the illuminated object. Other upward directed architectural, landscape, or decorative light emissions shall have at least 90% of distribution pattern within the profile of the illuminated structure. All other outdoor lighting shall use shielded light fixtures. Flickering or flashing lights are not permitted except for holiday decorations. |
Lighting (cont.) | All other outdoor lighting shall use shielded light fixtures. Flickering or flashing lights are not permitted except for holiday decorations. In addition, all lighting shall comply with the Village of Granville Exterior Lighting Guidelines (attached hereto as Exhibit A). Where there is a conflict between the provisions of this section and those lighting guidelines in Exhibit A, the provisions of this section shall prevail. | In addition, all lighting shall comply with the Village of Granville Exterior Lighting Guidelines (attached hereto as Exhibit A). Where there is a conflict between the provisions of this section and those lighting guidelines in Exhibit A, the provisions of this section shall prevail. |
Use of Details | Building and lighting details should be appropriate to the scale, overall design concept and style of the building and its environment. | Building and lighting details should be appropriate to the scale, overall design concept and style of the building and its environment. |
Landscaping and Pedestrian Environment Enhancement | In addition to the landscaping requirements for parking areas, there shall be landscaped areas equal to 20 sq ft per 1000 sq ft of building ground coverage. Such landscape areas shall contain trees, planting beds, hedges, fences, walls, earth mounds, benches, or other materials designed and located to be complementary to the overall architecture. Plants should be used for positively accentuating and highlighting the architectural details of structures, and the surrounding land. Elements which contribute to the quality of the pedestrian environment are preferred. Included among these may be benches, water fountains, seating areas, arcades, awnings or canopies. Reasonable and good faith efforts shall be made to preserve existing trees and tree rows where feasible in setback and preservation areas. | In addition to the landscaping requirements for parking areas, there shall be landscaped areas equal to 20 sq ft per 1000 sq ft of building ground coverage. Such landscape areas shall contain trees, planting beds, hedges, fences, walls, earth mounds, benches, or other materials designed and located to be complementary to the overall architecture. Plants should be used for positively accentuating and highlighting the architectural details of structures, and the surrounding land. Elements which contribute to the quality of the pedestrian environment are preferred. Included among these may be benches, water fountains, seating areas, arcades, awnings or canopies. Reasonable and good faith efforts shall be made to preserve existing trees and tree rows where feasible in setback and preservation areas. |
Display of Merchandise | The outdoor storage and display of merchandise on sidewalks or plaza areas is prohibited except when a temporary activities permit has been issued. |
Pick-up Windows | Canopies shall be complimentary to building design. Drive aisle shall be screened from public view with a combination of landscaping and decorative walls or fences. Ingress and egress shall be from parking lots in the rear or side of the building, or shall be screened appropriately from the public right-of-way. Each pick-up window shall have one drive aisle and one window. Stacking of vehicles shall be confined to the subject property, and shall not inhibit flow of traffic through or around the site. Hours of operations may be limited by Planning Commission and will not exceed 18 hours a day. Only one pick-up window may be permitted per parcel or building. Only one pick-up window may be permitted within a 500-foot radius. A traffic study is required prior to Conditional Use Approval. | N/A |
(b) Traffic Requirements. A traffic and parking system plan shall be shown that details points of ingress and egress into the property, public and private drives, parking areas and pedestrian walkway areas. The plan shall be so designed to minimize conflict points between pedestrian and vehicular movement while maintaining ample and safe walkways and pathways. The Commission shall not approve the plan unless they find the plan provides adequate ingress and egress and does not adversely impact traffic patterns nor increase traffic usage of municipal streets to the detriment of the safety and welfare of the public.
(Ord. 07-08. Passed 8-6-08; Ord. 10-2023. Passed 4-19-23; Ord. 24-2024. Passed 11-20-24.)