(a)   The Village Planner shall require a site plan and perform an architectural review of all developments proposed pursuant to this Chapter. The site plan shall indicate:
      (1)   A traffic and parking system plan that details points of access, identified and numbered parking spaces, and pedestrian walkways. The plan shall be so designed to minimize conflict points between pedestrian and vehicular movements. Minimizing the number of curb cuts within the lot frontage and joint curb cuts between adjacent uses for multi family units and commercial business centers shall be encouraged.
      (2)   Storm drainage runoff collection points.
      (3)    Outdoor trash container systems shall be specifically located and screening shall be provided to enclose such containers from view.
      (4)   Landscape and outdoor lighting plans.
      (5)   The applicant shall design and provide a program to control other nuisances related to the carrying out of the land use.
   (b)    Lot Requirements.
      (1)   Minimum lot area. None, except that lot size shall be adequate to meet all yard parking requirements.
      (2)   Minimum lot width. None, except that all lots must abut a public street and have adequate width to meet parking and yard requirements.
      (3)   Parking areas. Parking may not be provided in the front of structures, but shall be provided at the rear or side of structures. Parking areas shall be no closer to main structures than five feet and shall not be located within ten feet of any lot line. Parking areas adjacent to a residential district shall be screened.
   (c)   Building Requirements.
      (1)   Maximum height: thirty feet.
      (2)   Any accessory buildings shall have the same requirements for yards as main buildings.
      (3)   Storm drainage collection points shall be indicated and outdoor trash containers shall be specifically located and sufficiently screened to avoid nuisance to and avoid being viewed from surrounding properties.
      (4)   The screening of open lot storage from all abutting and adjacent lots shall be required.
      (5)   Setbacks: Side and rear yards shall have a setback of eight feet, and front yards shall have a setback of twenty feet.
      (6)   Retail outlets, retail food preparation, specialty shops, and service, and places of assembly as itemized in Section 1167.02(a)(9) to (12) respectively, shall be no larger than 12,000 square feet for any single tenant or use.
         (Ord. 15-08. Passed 1-7-09.)