(a)    Permitted Uses.
      (1)   Sales at wholesale or retail, of building materials, paint and other hardware items; lumber and milling operations and products, plumbing, heating and electrical supplies; other home maintenance and improvement sales to the general public; automotive parts supplies; and also manufacture, fabrication or assembly of such products for on premises sale, providing that no such activity shall be permitted which is objectionable, due to noise, fumes, smoke, odor, vibration, or related environmental or social interests.
      (2)   General business services, duplicating, addressing, reproduction operations, stenographic, mailing services, advertising services, newspaper operations, sheet metal shops, sign painting shops and mechanical and metalworking contractors.
      (3)   Business machine service and repair operations; repair of small mechanical items such as watches and clocks; electrical appliances and other durable item service and repair; automotive mechanical and body repair and service.
      (4)   Farm and garden related, milling operations, storage and sales of grain and livestock feed; retail sale or rental of farm implements and products; and sale of livestock and related activities, including temporary storage, providing such operations are not detrimental to surrounding interests.
      (5)   General equipment, materials and heavy vehicle storage, and sales and related interests, offices and facilities for general contracting, heavy equipment contracting, mechanical, metalworking and electrical contracting and facilities for warehousing, storing and selling materials and equipment used in such businesses; storage yards or plants for rental or sale of construction equipment; building materials yards; chemical packaging, sales and storage; concrete, masonry, sheet metal, plumbing and heating shops and facilities for warehousing, storing and selling materials and equipment used in such businesses.
      (6)   Car wash operations.
      (7)   Trade or business schools, provided machinery which is used for instruction is not objectionable due to noise, fumes, smoke, odor or vibration.
      (8)   Research testing and development activities within entirely enclosed buildings, which are not objectionable due to noise, fumes, smoke, glare, odor, vibration or related environmental or social interests.
      (9)   Retail outlets: drug stores, variety stores, hardware stores.
      (10)   Retail food preparation: specialty food shops, ice cream stores, delicatessens; all of which shall be limited to on premise sales only.
      (11)   Specialty shops: video rental stores, and clothing consignment stores.
      (12)   Service, and places of assembly: dry cleaning and laundry pick up stations, tanning facilities.
      (13)   Business and professional offices: medical and dental offices and clinics, Insurance offices, real estate offices.
      (14)   Mobile food trucks.
   (b)   Conditional Uses.
      (1)   Light manufacturing, industrial and assembly operations which are not objectionable due to noise, fumes, smoke, glare, odor, vibration or related environmental or social interests.
      (2)   Automotive related retail sales, including new and used car dealers and miscellaneous marine, motorcycle or similar dealerships.
      (3)   Retail sale or rental of recreational vehicles such as campers, trailers and other such vehicles, principally for recreational use, being sold or rented separately or in conjunction with a permitted use.
      (4)   Movers and moving equipment with temporary, limited storage of moved goods.
      (5)   Residential uses: single, two and multi-family.
      (6)   Daycare facilities.
      (7)   Restaurants
   (c)    Interpretation of this Section. Each use must have its own independent approval, whether permitted or conditional.
(Ord. 02-2022. Passed 2-2-22.)