909.01 Purpose and intent.
909.02 Definitions.
909.03 Property owner responsible for removal of tree on private property.
909.04 Removal of trees within a public right of way; notice; appeal.
909.05 Tree removal criteria.
909.06 Manager’s permission to plant, remove, trim, top or treat trees.
909.07 Breaking or injuring tree in public way.
909.08 Attaching sign or wire prohibited.
909.09 Utility pipes and wires and construction not to injure tree or shrub.
909.10 Obstructing air or water to tree or shrub.
909.11 Standards for trees.
909.12 Compensation.
909.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate shade trees and shrubbery - see Ohio
R.C. 715.20
Assessments for tree planting or maintenance - see Ohio
R.C. 727.011
Injury or destruction - see GEN. OFF. 541.06
Tree and landscape requirements - see P. & Z. Ch. 1193