1305.16 PARKING.
   (a)   Ingress and Egress.
      (1)   Adequate ingress and egress to the parking facility shall be provided by clearly defined driveways.
      (2)   In no event shall vehicles be permitted to back directly into the public street from the off-street parking area.
      (3)   An alley shall not be considered adequate as the sole access for a parcel of land.
   (b)   Driveways.
      (1)   Driveways shall be located to minimize traffic conflicts with traffic entering the street from either the same or the opposite side of the street.
      (2)   For residential uses, only one (1) driveway access per unit is permitted. A residential lot with at least one hundred (100) feet of frontage along a street may be permitted one (1) additional driveway access.
      (3)   Non-residential properties in any zoning district with frontages of six hundred (600) feet or less on any individual street are permitted one (1) driveway access per street frontage.
      (4)   Non-residential properties in any zoning district with frontages greater than six hundred (600) feet may be permitted a maximum of two (2) driveways per street frontage, provided that such driveways are at least three hundred (300) feet apart and that one (1) driveway is clearly marked for egress only and one (1) driveway is clearly marked for ingress only.
      (5)   Regardless of frontage, a development may be restricted to a single driveway depending on usage and interior and exterior traffic patterns.
      (6)   All access driveways shall be designed to conform to West Virginia DOT specifications with regard to roads.
   (c)   On any lot, no wall, fence, hedge, tree, shrub, or other obstruction shall be allowed which dangerously obscures the view of approaching traffic along the street, or at any intersection, including driveways.
   (d)   In a residential district, no more than forty (40) percent of the front yard may be used for parking, including driveways. Vehicles may not be parked or stored upon any lawn or landscaped area.
   (e)   Parking Requirements. Off-street parking spaces, with proper and safe access from a street, shall be provided on all non-residential lots, either within a structure or in the open, to serve the uses upon that lot.
      (1)   The following minimum number of off-street parking spaces per use shall be provided for the uses indicated below as shown in Table 5.16(f): Minimum Parking Spaces Required.
      (2)   For uses not specified in this table the number of parking spaces shall be determined by the Zoning Officer on the basis of similar requirements, number of persons employed and number of visitors. Appeals to the determination of parking spaces may be made to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
      (3)   All square footage is in gross floor area.
      (4)   For any non-conforming use which is hereafter damaged or partially destroyed, and which is lawfully reconstructed, re-established, or repaired, off-street parking and loading facilities equivalent to those maintained at the time of such damage or partial destruction shall be restored and continued in operation; provided, however, in no case shall it be necessary to restore or maintain parking or loading facilities in excess of those required by this code for equivalent new uses. (Passed 8-28-18.)
Table 1305.16(f): Minimum Parking Spaces Required
Minimum Number of Parking Spaces
Residential Uses
Single Family Residential
2 spaces per dwelling unit
Multi-family Residential
1 per bedroom
Continuing Care Facility
1 space per 3 beds and 1 space for each employee
Senior Independent Housing
1.5 space for 1 bedroom unit
2 spaces for 2 bedroom unit
2.5 spaces for 3 or more bedroom unit
Bed and Breakfast Inn
1 off-street space per guest room and 1 space for each nonresident employee
Educational, Institutional, Social and Fraternal Uses
Assembly (Places of Worship, theaters, auditoriums, etc.)
1 space per 4 fixed seats, 1 space per 60 square feet of the main assembly where no fixed seats are used
Table 1305.16(f): Minimum Parking Spaces Required (Cont.)
Minimum Number of Parking Spaces
Educational, Institutional, Social and Fraternal Uses (Cont.)
Community Facility
1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA and 1 space per employee
Cultural Service
1 space per 300 feet of GFA
Educational Institution
2 spaces per 1,000 GFA
5 spaces per acre of outdoor area
School, Pre-school to 12
2 spaces per classroom, 5 per classroom in high schools
School, Commercial
6 spaces per classroom
Business and Industrial
Child Day Care Facilities
Class 1 and 2: 1 space per employee and 1 additional space for every 10 children enrolled. One designated drop off/pick-up space shall be permitted Class 3 and 4: no additional parking beyond the normal residential requirements
5 spaces for each doctor engaged at the clinic plus one parking space for each employee
Retail: 1 space for each 250 square feet
Office: 1 space for each 300 square feet
Hotels, Motels, etc.
1 space per guest room and 1 space for each 3 employees. One (1) space per 3 persons to the maximum capacity of the largest banquet or meeting room
1 space per employee on largest shift plus 5 customer parking spaces
Restaurant (Sit Down)/Tavern or Drinking Establishment/Night Club
1 space per 90 SF of GFA
Restaurant (Carry Out)
1 space per 2 employees
Restaurant (Fast Food)
1 space per 2.5 seats plus 1 space per 2 employees
(Passed 3-26-19.)
   (f)   Parking Space Dimensions.
      (1)   For angle parking, stalls shall be a minimum of nine (9) feet in width and eighteen (18) feet in length.
      (2)   For parallel parking, stalls shall be minimum of eight (8) feet in width and twenty (20) feet in length.
      (3)   For compact space parking, stalls shall be a minimum of seven (7) feet in width and sixteen (16) feet in length, reserved for the parking of only one compact automobile.
      (4)   The minimum width of aisles providing access to stalls, varying with angle of the parking, shall be as follows in Table 1305.16(g): Parking Standards:
Table 1305.16(g): Parking Standards
Angle of Parking
Minimum Aisle Width (Double-Sided Parking)
Minimum Aisle Width (Single-Sided Parking)
   (g)   The required parking area shall be measured exclusive of interior drives or maneuvering areas.
   (h)   Parking spaces for use by persons with disabilities shall meet Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) standards.
   (i)   All parking areas shall be designed to be accessible year-round.
   (j)   Parking spaces shall be clearly delineated by suitable markings. Short-term visitor parking spaces shall be differentiated from long-term employee spaces by suitable markings or signage. (Passed 8-28-18.)