A Hearing Officer shall have the following duties and powers under this chapter:
   (A)   All duties set forth by State Statute including:
      1.   Preside at an administrative hearing called to determine whether or not a Building Code violation exists;
      2.   Hear testimony and accept evidence from all interested parties relevant to the existence of a Building Code violation;
      3.   Preserve and authenticate the transcript and record of the hearing and all exhibits and evidence introduced at the hearing;
      4.   Issue and sign a written finding, decision, and order stating whether a Building Code violation exists; and
      5.   Imposing penalties consistent with applicable Code provisions.
   (B)   Hold preliminary conferences for the settlement or simplification of issues.
   (C)   Administer oaths and affirmations.
   (D)   Rule upon motions, objections, and the admissibility of evidence.
   (E)   Issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents or other tangible items.
   (F)   Exercise all powers and duties necessary and proper to the administration of fair and impartial hearing under this chapter. (Ord. O-11-17-1, 11-20-2017)