(A)   Scope: The purpose of this title is to provide minimum requirements to safeguard life or limb, health and public welfare, and the protection of property as it relates to these safeguards by regulating and controlling the design, construction, prefabrication, equipment or appliance installation, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location and repair of all buildings and structures within the Village. Also, the purpose is to further standardize requirements by using a compilation of data from the following technical codes.
   (B)   Building Codes: The technical codes listed below are hereby adopted as the building codes of the Village for the control of buildings, structures, and sites as herein provided:
      1.   2006 International Building Code, and appendices.
      2.   2006 International Residential Code, and appendices.
      3.   2006 International Mechanical Code.
      4.   2006 International Fire Code.
      5.   2006 International Property Maintenance Code, and appendices.
      6.   Illinois Plumbing Code (latest edition).
      7.   2011 National Electrical Code.
      8.   2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
      9.   2006 International Energy Conservation Code.
      10.   The Illinois Accessibility Code, as amended.
      11.   The Village of Grant Park subdivision ordinance, as amended from time to time.
      12.   2012 International Performance Code.
   (C)   International Building Code: The following insertions, deletions, additions or changes shall be made and supersede any of the regulations of the 2006 international building code, and appendices:
Section 101.1: Insert: village of Grant Park
Section 101.4.4: Delete in its entirety (plumbing)
Section 104.1.1: Insert: The code enforcement officer shall not be removed from office except for cause and after full opportunity to be heard on specific and relevant charges by and before the appointing authority.
Section 105.2: Delete in its entirety (work exempt)
Section 105.5: Delete in its entirety (expiration)
Section 108.2: Insert: See section 4-1-7 of the Grant Park code
Section 110.3: Delete in its entirety (temporary occupancy)
Section 112: Delete in its entirety (board of appeals)
Section 113: Delete: See section 4-1-18 of the Grant Park code
Section 1612.3: Insert: village of Grant Park
Section 1612.3: Insert: October 22, 1990
Section 3109.2: Delete in its entirety and replace with: "Any structure intended for swimming, recreational bathing or wading that has the potential to contain water over twenty-four (24) inches (610 mm) deep. This includes in-ground, above-ground and on-ground pools, spas and fixed-in-place wading pools"
Section 3410.2: Insert: 1965
   (D)   International Residential Code, And Appendices: The following insertions, deletions, additions or changes shall be made to the 2006 international residential code, and appendices:
Section R101.1: Insert: village of Grant Park
Section R105.2: Delete in its entirety (work exempt)
Section R105.5: Delete in its entirety (expiration)
Section R110.4: Delete in its entirety (temporary occupancy)
Section R112: Delete in its entirety (board of appeals)
Table R301.2(1): Insert:
Ground Snow Load
Design Category
Subject To Damage From
Frost Line Depth
Ice Barrier Underlayment Required
Flood Hazards
Air Freezing Index
Mean Annual Temp.
See local maps
50 deg.
Chapters 25 through 32: Delete in their entirety
Chapters 33 through 42: Delete in their entirety
   (E)   International Mechanical Code: The following insertions, deletions, additions or changes shall be made to the 2006 international mechanical code:
Section 101.1: Insert: village of Grant Park
Section 106.5.1: Delete in its entirety
Section 106.5.2: Insert: See section 4-1-7 of the Grant Park code
Section 106.5.3: Delete in its entirety
Section 108.4: Delete in its entirety
Section 108.5: Delete in its entirety
Section 109: Delete in its entirety
   (F)   Reserved.
   (G)   International Property Maintenance Code: The following insertions, deletions, additions or changes shall be made to the 2006 international property maintenance code, and appendices:
Section 101.1, insert: "village of Grant Park".
Section 102.3, change to read "Repairs, additions or alterations to a structure, or changes of occupancy, shall be done in accordance with the procedures and provisions of the international building code, international mechanical code, national electrical code, and the most recent adoption of the Illinois plumbing code adopted by the village. Nothing in this code shall be construed to cancel, modify or negate any provision of the zoning ordinance."
Section 102.4, add "The village shall have the right to cause the demolition, repair or enclosure of unsafe buildings as provided for in chapter 65, article 11, division 31, of the Illinois Compiled Statutes without following any of the procedures and notice requirements of this code."
Section 103, delete in full.
Section 104.1, add "The building commissioner shall be the code official. The code official may designate any employee of the village with the enforcement of this code."
Section 106.2, change to read "The code official may serve a notice of violation, but no such notice is a prerequisite to the existence of a violation or to action by the village to restrain, correct or abate such violation."
Section 106.3, change to read "The code official may institute court proceedings to restrain, correct or abate any violation, or to require the removal or termination of the unlawful occupancy of any structure, or the order or direction of the code official. Any action taken on such premises shall be charged against the real estate upon which the structure is located and shall be a lien upon such real estate."
Section 106.4, change to read "Any person who violates any provision of this code shall be subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $5000 for each violation thereof. Each day that a violation occurs shall constitute a separate offense and violation."
Section 107, delete in full.
Section 108.1.1, add "No structure may be boarded up for more than 6 months. An unsafe structure includes any structure boarded up for more than 6 months."
Section 108.3, change to read "Whenever the code official has condemned a structure or equipment, notice shall be sent by first class mail to the taxpayer of record or the party responsible for paying any water bill. The notice shall include a statement of the violations and a deadline by which to correct the violations."
Section 110.1, change to read "The code official may order the demolition of any structure which is:
      1.   Dangerous, unsafe, unsanitary or otherwise unfit for human habitation or occupancy.
      2.   A public nuisance.
      3.   Vacant or abandoned for more than 6 months.
      4.   Boarded up for more than 6 months.
      5.   Under construction where there has been a cessation of normal construction activity for a period of more than 6 months.
      6.   Maintained in violation of the provisions of this code for more than 6 months."
Section 110.2, change to read "A notice of order of demolition shall be serviced as provided for in chapter 65, article 11, division 31, of the Illinois Compiled Statutes."
Section 111, delete in full.
Section 201.3, change to read "Where terms are not defined in this code and are defined in the international building code, international fire code, international mechanical code, national electrical code, or zoning ordinance, such terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in those codes."
Section 301.3, add "No structure shall be maintained which is:
      1.   Dangerous, unsafe, unsanitary or otherwise unfit for human habitation or occupancy.
      2.   A public nuisance.
      3.   Vacant or abandoned for more than 6 months.
      4.   Boarded up for more than 6 months.
      5.   Under construction where there has been a cessation of normal construction activity for a period of more than 6 months.
      6.   In violation of the provisions of this code for more than 6 months."
Section 304.3, add "Street numbers must be attached to the structure (or light pole or mailbox) and may not be painted thereon. Street numbers may not be painted on any stairway, stoop, sidewalk, curb, or other area."
Section 304.14, insert "May 1" and "October 1".
Section 404.5, add "If any room used for residential purposes is overcrowded, the code official may order the number of persons sleeping or living in said room to be reduced in order to conform to the minimum area requirements of table 404.5. It shall be prohibited to use for sleeping purposes any kitchen, hallway, closet, basement, storage room, public area, dining room or living room (except that a living room may be used for sleeping purposes of a guest for not more than 2 consecutive nights)."
Section 602.2, change to read "Dwellings shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 65°F in all habitable rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms. Cooking appliances shall not be used to provide space heating to meet the requirements of this section."
Section 602.3, insert "October 1" and "May 1". Delete the last sentence in the exception.
Section 602.4, insert "October 1" and "May 1".
   (H)   National Electrical Code: The following insertions, deletions and additions or changes shall be made to the 2011 national electrical code:
The use of aluminum conductor or wire is prohibited for all new installations. All branch circuits shall have a minimum gauge of no. 12, 20-amp for all new construction and renovation projects, both commercial and residential. All refrigerators, deep freezers and microwaves shall be connected by individual branch circuits. Metal conduit shall be used for all new and renovated electrical services from the point of attachment at the Commonwealth Edison wires to the main distribution point. All new exposed wiring shall be in metal conduit. All wiring for commercial, industrial, office, public purpose building or residential multi-family buildings with greater than four (4) units shall be installed in heavy wall conduit, thin wall conduit, or approved metal raceways. All unfinished garages and basements shall be wired in EMT or rigid metal conduit. Romex shall be permitted as the means of wiring for all residential construction of four (4) units or less. Romex is not to be exposed wiring; provided, however, exposed wiring shall be permitted for a vertical run not exceeding two feet (2') from the main distribution panel to the ceiling if the distribution panel is in a basement.
All fire alarm boxes shall be identified in red at the time of rough inspection.
All potential areas for ceiling fans shall have approved ceiling fan boxes installed at time of rough inspection. All flexible conduits shall be supplied with a ground wire regardless of length.
All electrical fixtures used in a grid ceiling shall be supported by grid ceiling wires to the main structure: one (1) for small fixtures; and, two (2) for any item two feet (2') or greater. Exception: Fixtures attached to suspended ceiling framing members may be secured with screws, bolts, rivets, or listed clips identified for application.
All electrical outlets must be visible at time of final inspection.
   (I)   International Fuel Gas Code: The following insertions, deletions, additions or changes shall be made to the 2006 international fuel gas code:
Section 101.1: Insert: village of Grant Park
Section 106.5.1: Delete in its entirety
Section 106.5.2: Insert: See section 4-1-7 of the Grant Park code
Section 106.5.3: Delete in its entirety
Section 108.4: Replace with section 4-1-18 of the Grant Park code
Section 108.5: Replace with section 4-1-18 of the Grant Park code
Section 109: Delete in its entirety
   (J)   International Energy Conservation Code: The following insertions, deletions, additions or changes shall be made to the 2006 international energy conservation code:
Section 101.1: Insert: village of Grant Park
   (K)   Studs And Rafters: All new home buildings and additions shall have interior partition walls, exterior walls, floor joists, ceiling joists and rafters placed no farther than sixteen inches (16") on center.
   (L)   Eaves And Overhangs: All new residential construction shall have eaves and overhangs built at a minimum of twelve inches (12").
      1.   Exceptions:
         (a)   A remodel or addition which needs a small allowance to meet existing construction.
         (b)   Dormers, due to their size, may reduce overhangs and eaves to allow them to appear proportional.
   (M)   Rebar: All footings must contain two (2) continuous horizontal rows of a minimum no. 4 rebar. All footings will be required to have a keyway placed in the center of the footing measuring a minimum of two inches wide by one inch deep (2" x 1").
All poured foundation walls shall have a minimum of two (2) continuous no. 4 horizontal reinforcing bars. One shall be placed at forty eight inches (48") on center and one shall be placed within twelve inches (12") of the top of the wall story.
All required rebar shall be in place and supported by an approved system prior to the placement of concrete.
   (N)   Driveway And Public Walk Installation Dates: No private driveway, public walk, or other flat work likely to see road salt as determined by the Building Director may be poured between the dates of November 1 and April 1 unless otherwise approved by the Building Director.
   (O)   Driveways: The materials and methods of construction shall conform to the "Illinois Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction", latest edition or ICC guidelines, whichever is more restrictive.
      1.   All aprons for driveways between curb and sidewalk shall be made of concrete a minimum four inches (4") in thickness, reinforced with fiber mesh.
      2.   The contractor may select one of the following options for residential driveway construction on private property or radius entrances to right-of-way:
         (a)   Material shall be base course consisting of IDOT gradation CA-6, CA-7 or CA-10, eight inches (8") in thickness, and surface course consisting of bituminous concrete surface course, two and one-half inches (21/2") in thickness (asphalt). All thicknesses shall be measured with materials in place and compacted.
         (b)   Material shall be base course consisting of IDOT gradation CA-6, CA-7 or CA-10, four inches (4") in thickness, and class PV portland cement, four inches (4") in thickness, reinforced with fiber mesh. All thickness shall be measured with materials in place and compacted.
         (c)   Material shall be base course consisting of IDOT gradation CA-10, eight inches (8") in thickness (gravel). All thickness shall be measured with materials in place and compacted.
         (d)   Control joints shall be constructed so as to divide the driveway and driveway apron from the sidewalk. The control joints shall be not less than one-eighth inch (1/8") nor more than one-fourth inch (1/4") in width, and shall be edged with an edging tool having a one-fourth inch (1/4") radius. The minimum depth shall be one and one-fourth inches (11/4").
Any alternate materials, in addition to those described above shall be presented to the Village Engineer for his approval prior to inclusion in the construction drawings and specifications. No bituminous surface treatment (oil and chip surfaces) will be allowed.
      3.   All curb cuts necessary for driveways accessing Village streets shall be completed as follows:
         (a)   Curbed Entrances: For entrances with a curbed radius, the complete concrete curb and gutter shall be removed and then replaced with a new combination concrete curb and gutter (depressed) according to the "Illinois Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction", latest edition (IDOT specifications).
         (b)   Aprons: For entrances with aprons, the apron on the right- of-way shall be made of concrete. The concrete curb and gutter may be either removed and replaced with new combination concrete curb and gutter (depressed) according to IDOT specifications, or may be altered by sawing off the back of the curb using a machine mounted saw specifically manufactured for removing the backs of curbs.
         (c)   Joint Between Curb And Entrance: At no time shall any portion of the combination concrete curb and gutter be poured as an integral part of the driveway. A joint using three- fourths inch (3/4") preformed bituminous expansion joint filler shall be provided between the back of the curb and the driveway portion.
         (d)   No Curb Cut Required: Residential driveways with aprons may be finished off to match the top of the existing curb without a curb cut, if and only if such curb is a modified M3:12 or at a height less than three inches (3") measured up from the gutter pan flow line.
      4.   All gutter pans or gutters shall be kept clear of all materials. No concrete, asphalt or any other material will be permitted in the gutter pan. This prohibitive restriction also applies to pipes or any other device placed in the gutter pans to provide a better approach to the driveway.
      5.   Driveways shall be constructed at a grade ranging between three percent (3%) and six percent (6%) from the garage to the street unless the Village Engineer specifically approves a greater slope.
   (P)   Open Cutting Of Pavements: Open cutting of existing Village pavements and/or curbs shall require a permit from the Village. In some instances, the Village may require boring and jacking under the pavement instead of open cutting.
   (Q)   Sidewalks:
      1.   Specifications: Sidewalks are to be located on the right- of-way, the nearest edge being one foot (1') from the property line. The sidewalks are to be five inches (5") higher than the curb on the side close to the curb, and six inches (6") higher than the curb on the side far from the curb.
      2.   Public Sidewalks Intersecting With Street Curb And Gutter: The back of the curb at this point of intersection shall be depressed and shall not exceed one-half inch (1/2") elevation over the flow line of the gutter pan.
The materials and methods of construction shall conform to the "Illinois Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction", latest edition or ICC guidelines whichever is more restrictive.
         (a)   Material shall be base course consisting of IDOT gradation CA-6, CA-7 or CA-10, four inches (4") in thickness, and Class SI portland cement concrete, four inches (4") in thickness, reinforced with fiber mesh. All thicknesses shall be measured with materials in place and compacted.
         (b)   Width shall be five feet (5') except where the Planning Commission or Village Engineer deems a wider sidewalk necessary.
         (c)   Control joints shall be constructed at right angles to the centerline of the sidewalk and shall extend one-fourth inch (1/4") the depth of the sidewalk. They shall not be less than one-eighth inch (1/8") nor more than one-fourth inch (1/4") in width, and shall be edged with an edging tool having a one- fourth inch (1/4") radius.
   (R)   Pedestrian Walkways: Pedestrian walkway improvements shall conform to the specifications for sidewalks, including the width requirement. The sidewalk shall generally be centered in the pedestrian walkway.
   (S)   Flat Work: All exterior flat work must be reinforced with fiber mesh. Wire may be used in addition but not as an alternative.
      1.   All basement floors will be required to have control joints in place within forty eight (48) hours of completing the pour.
   (T)   Backfill: All exterior areas of a home which will eventually have flat work in place not supported by foundation must be backfilled with a noncompactable stone.
      1.   All over digs within the foundation area of the garage and front stoops must be backfilled with a noncompactable stone or a properly compacted stone or an alternative approved by the Building Director. All requests for alternatives must be made in writing.
      2.   Crushed lime may be used as an approved base for areas contained within foundation walls.
   (U)   Foundations: Foundations which are intended to be used for a brick ledge must be stepped down a minimum of four inches (4") to support the brick.
   (V)   Private Walkways: All walkways located on private property shall be constructed according to the following specifications:
      1.   Material shall be base course consisting of IDOT gradation CA-6, CA-7 or CA-10, four inches (4") in thickness, and Class SI portland cement concrete, four inches (4") in thickness, reinforced with fiber mesh. All thickness shall be measured with materials in place and compacted.
      2.   Control joints shall be constructed at right angles to the centerline of the sidewalk and shall extend one-fourth inch (1/4") the depth of the walkway. They shall not be less than one-eighth inch (1/8") nor more than one-fourth inch (1/4") in width, and shall be edged with an edging tool having a one- fourth inch (1/4") radius or equivalent saw cut. The maximum spacing of control joints shall not exceed the width of the sidewalk. (Ord. O-11-17-1, 11-20-2017)