4-1-4: PERMITS:
   (A)   Permit Required: It shall be unlawful to construct, enlarge, alter or demolish a structure; or change the occupancy of a building or structure requiring greater strength, exit, or sanitary provisions; or to change to another use; or to install or alter any equipment for which provision is made or the installation of which is regulated by this chapter, without first filing an application with the Building Department in writing and obtaining the required permit(s) therefor.
   (B)   Permit Application: Before proceeding with the erection, enlargement, alteration, or repair of any building component or any building in the Village of Grant Park, an application for a permit shall be filed with the Building Department. The application shall be on a form furnished by the Director of Building and Zoning or his/her designee. Every application for a permit shall: describe the land upon which the proposed building or work is to be done by some description that will readily identify the building or location of work; show the proposed use or occupancy of all parts of the building; and, contain such other information as the Director of Building and Zoning or his/her designee may require as outlined in the adopted technical codes, and their appendices, herein.
An application for a permit for any proposed work shall be deemed to have been abandoned six (6) months after the date of filing, unless such application has been diligently pursued. The Director of Building and Zoning or his/her designee may grant one extension for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days, based upon reasonable cause.
Action, by the Director of Building and Zoning, on building permit applications, shall be within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the application. In cases of denial, the Director of Building and Zoning shall advise the applicant, in writing, of the basis of the denial. If the Director of Building and Zoning fails to act within fifteen (15) days, the applicant may then file with the Director of Building and Zoning a written demand for the permit. If no permit is received within five (5) working days, the applicant may treat the application as being denied. In cases of denial, the applicant may appeal the decision of the Director of Building and Zoning to the Plan Commission in the manner, and subject to the standard of, section 9-14-11 of this Code.
   (C)   Surveys Required:
      1.   Site Plan: Every application for a building permit shall include a site plan of the lot to be built upon, demonstrating the following:
         (a)   Any existing building or structure size and location; and
         (b)   The size (widest dimension in each direction), location, which lists setback distances, and elevations of the building or structure to be erected or structurally altered; and
         (c)   The size, location, and type of easement; and
         (d)   The location and dimensions of all proposed off street drives, street parking and loading spaces; and
         (e)   Such other matters as the Code Enforcement Officer may deem necessary to determine conformance with this title.
      2.   Site Survey Required: Upon completion of said foundation and prior to approval to proceed to framing, a professional site survey prepared by a registered professional engineer or land surveyor accurately locating and depicting any and all easements, the placement of the foundation, elevation of foundation constructed, and proposed garage floor elevations must be submitted to the Village.
      3.   Plat Of Topography; Final Grade Survey: A plat of topography shall be required after the pavement, turf, and landscaped areas have been final graded. This plat shall include the elevation of the finished garage floor, sidewalk at the driveway sides, lot corners at twenty five foot (25') intervals along the front, side, and back lot lines, and any additional elevations needed to confirm some drainage feature detailed on the neighborhood drainage plan or site development plan. The plat of topography shall be provided to the Director of Building and Zoning, along with a final grade surveyor certification and a final grade owner certification prior to requesting an occupancy permit. Occupancy shall not be permitted if the plat indicates the site grades are not constructed consistent with the neighborhood drainage plan or site development plan.
      4.   Records: A careful record of all applications and plats shall be kept for a period of at least seven (7) years in the Office of the Director of Building and Zoning.
   (D)   Requirements For The Issuance Of A Building Permit: Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the plans, drawings, etc., for any new construction work, alteration, repair, expansion, addition, or modification of any new buildings or existing buildings as defined in the adopted technical codes, and their appendices, herein shall be furnished to the Building Department for review.
The architect, builder, or owner shall furnish the Building Department one set of plans drawn to scale of not less than one-eighth inch (1/8") to one foot (1') or as approved by the Building Department. Unless otherwise approved by the Building Director, the contractor doing the work is the party required to apply for the permit.
   (E)   Plans Required: No building permit shall be granted or plans approved for any commercial, industrial, or public accessible building unless such plans are prepared by an architect or structural engineer. Such plans shall be signed and sealed by an architect or structural engineer licensed as provided by law, listed in the Architecture Practice Act and Structural Engineering Licensing Act of the State of Illinois. All nonresidential plans carrying an architectural stamp and/or involving occupancy, shall be required to be sent out to B&F Technical Code Services, or some other independent plan review service as approved by the Code Enforcement Officer, for a complete plan review at the owner's expense. Provided that nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to prevent any person from making plans and specifications for, or supervising the erection, enlargement or alteration of, any building that is to be constructed by himself. All such plans and drawings shall be drawn to an appropriate scale.
Amendments to a plan, application, or other records accompanying the same shall be filed before commencement of the work for which the amendment is proposed. Such amendment shall be deemed part of the original application and shall be filed therewith. Amendments to the plans or application that increase the fees for the building permit shall be adjusted accordingly.
   (F)   Plan Approval Required:
      1.   For all multi-family residential, commercial, industrial building permits applied for, the applicant shall supply site and structure information according to the following plan review checklist, including, but not limited to:
         (a)   Zoning and adjacent zoning.
         (b)   Setbacks.
         (c)   Traffic patterns and impact.
         (d)   Possible widening of street.
         (e)   Right-of-way acquisition.
         (f)   Easement acquisition.
         (g)   Green space, buffering, landscaping.
         (h)   Site layout.
         (i)   Parking lane widths, space sizes and numbers.
         (j)   Parking lot surfacing.
         (k)   Handicap accessibility.
         (l)   Site utilities.
         (m)   Grading of site.
         (n)   Entrances.
         (o)   Curbs.
         (p)   Sidewalks.
         (q)   Lighting.
         (r)   Refuse pick up.
         (s)   Signage.
         (t)   Storm flow and drainage calculations.
         (u)   Detention.
         (v)   Structure design and elevations.
         (w)   Construction elements.
         (x)   Other items as requested by the Code Enforcement Officer.
      2.   The presented plan(s) shall, at the discretion of the Director of Building and Zoning, be reviewed and approved by the following parties before a permit is issued:
         (a)   Building plan review by an independent plan review service (commercial).
         (b)   Site plan review by the Village Engineer.
         (c)   Building Department.
      3.   The presented plan(s) shall be reviewed by the Grant Park Community Fire Protection District before a permit is issued.
   (G)   Permit Fees Established: The Building Department shall collect the applicable permit fees at the time any building permit is granted. Permit and inspection fees are set forth in sections 4-1-7 and 4-1-8 of this chapter. All not for profit corporations shall be exempt from the aforementioned permit and inspection fees except for reinspection fees or any portion that will be devoted to defraying the cost of a third party review.
To defray the engineering expenses incurred by the Village to verify the stormwater and drainage plans for said project(s), the developer shall reimburse the Village for said expenses prior to the issuance of the building permit.
   (H)   When Fees Payable; Records; Reports To The Board: All fees shall be paid to the Village of Grant Park upon the issuance of the necessary permits as herein provided. The Village Treasurer shall keep in proper books for that purpose an accurate account of fees paid over to the office, giving the name of the person paying the same and the amount of each fee. The Building Department shall prepare and present to the Village Board a report each month showing the number of permits and the amount of fees paid.
In the event that additional fees accrue as a result of changes to the application or plan, the Building Department may require the additional fee be paid by the applicant or property owner before a final inspection and occupancy certificate is completed.
   (I)   Notice To Inspect; Inspection Required; Approval: It shall be the duty of the owner or agent, when a building is in the course of construction, to notify the Building Department when the building is ready for inspection, before concealing or moving to the next step of construction. The Director of Building and Zoning or his/her designee shall within two (2) working days after receiving a request for inspection cause the same to be made. If the construction is found to be in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, he or she shall certify compliance by posting findings at the site or documenting the findings on an inspection sheet. Failure by the permit holder to request the required inspections shall be considered a violation of this chapter and subject to the penalties set forth in section 4-1-18 of this chapter.
The Director of Building and Zoning or his/her designee shall conduct such inspections from time to time during and upon completion of work as deemed necessary to ensure compliance with the approved plans for which a permit has been issued.
The Director of Building and Zoning, or his/her designee, or any authorized representative, shall have the authority to enter, at any reasonable hour, any building, structure, or premises in the jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this chapter, as outlined in the adopted technical codes and their appendices.
Before issuing a permit, the Director of Building and Zoning or his/her designee may examine or cause to be examined all building structures, building components and sites for which an application has been filed for a permit to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish or change the use thereof.
   (J)   Placard: The building permit and placard shall be kept on the site of operation and available to the public for inspection during the entire time of the work performed. The placard shall be kept in a conspicuous location on the construction site in full view from the right-of-way.
In unusual cases in which it is not practical to place the placard in the view of the right-of-way, it shall be the discretion of the Code Enforcement Officer or his/her designee to determine the proper location for its placement.
   (K)   Starting And Stopping Times For Construction: The starting and stopping times for construction projects are as listed below, unless shift work is required and permission is granted by the Code Enforcement Officer or his/her designee:
Building time
7:00 A.M.
7:00 P.M.
Sundays and holidays
10:00 A.M.
7:00 P.M.
All work will be limited to daylight hours, if accompanied by loud noises.
   (L)   Permit Expiration:
      1.   Single-family residential: All work outlined in the building permit shall cease after eight (8) months and the building permit shall expire unless the Director of Building and Zoning or his/her designee gives written approval to extend the building permit an additional three (3) months. Any request for an extension must be for good cause shown and based upon an agreed construction schedule. A second extension of five (5) months may also be allowed at the discretion of the Director of Building and Zoning or his/her designee. The fee for a permit extension is waived if written application is made prior to the expiration of the building permit.
      2.   Commercial and multi-family residential: All work outlined in the building permit shall cease after twelve (12) months and the building permit shall expire unless the Director of Building and Zoning or his/her designee gives written approval to extend the building permit an additional three (3) months. Any request for an extension must be for good cause shown and based upon an agreed construction schedule. A second extension of five (5) months may also be allowed at the discretion of the Director of Building and Zoning or his/her designee. The fee for a permit extension is waived if written application is made prior to the expiration of the building permit. A third extension may be allowed at the sole discretion of the Director of Building and Zoning or his/her designee based upon a showing of extreme hardship. An administrative fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) shall accompany the request for a third extension.
      3.   Notwithstanding the foregoing, all building permits shall expire and be declared null and void if the work authorized by such permit has not commenced within six (6) months from the date of the issuance of the permit, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) months. A permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for a onetime extension from the Director of Building and Zoning or his/her designee, not to exceed ninety (90) days, which may be granted at the discretion of the Director of Building and Zoning or his/her designee if reasonable cause is shown, including a showing that the work cannot be commenced within the six (6) month period from the issuance date due to circumstances beyond the control of the permittee. Before work can be resumed, a new permit shall be obtained, and the fee shall be based upon the unfinished portion of the project, provided no changes have been made in the original plans and specifications for such work.
      4.   Once the permit expires, and a final inspection has not been requested by the permit holder, the permit must be renewed and accompanied by a fee equal to the original permit fee. Failure to do so shall be deemed in violation of this chapter and subject to penalties in section 4-1-18 of this chapter.
   (M)   Suspension, Revocation Of Permit: The Code Enforcement Officer or his/her designee may suspend or revoke, in writing, a permit or approval based upon a false statement, any misrepresentation in the application, or violations of any provision of this chapter.
   (N)   Construction Site Requirements:
      1.   Maintenance; Responsibility: It shall be the responsibility of the permit holder to maintain a clean and safe construction site. The subdivision developer shall ultimately be held responsible for the subdivision until the lot is sold.
      2.   Vehicles: Construction vehicles shall be cleaned before leaving the site to prevent littering of the streets. No mud or other debris is to be permitted on any public right-of-way.
      3.   Construction Debris: No construction debris shall be stored or in any way be allowed to remain at any location within the subdivision. Every construction site may be required to have a garbage dumpster sufficient in size to handle on site debris. Every dumpster shall be sufficiently covered to prevent debris from blowing out and to prevent any unauthorized person from rummaging or contributing to the contents. Debris shall be cleaned from the site daily. The moving of debris from one lot to another will not be permitted.
      4.   Burning: There will not be any open burning.
      5.   Use Of Streets: The use of streets for the storage of materials in the process of construction or alteration of a building may be granted by the Department of Public Works, where the same will not unduly interfere with traffic and will not reduce the usable width of the roadway. No portion of the street shall be used other than that directly abutting on the premises on which work is being done or directly abutting any premises adjacent to the premises on which work is being done with the consent of the owner or occupant of that premises.
      6.   Obstruction Of Sidewalks: No sidewalk shall be obstructed or removed, in the course of building construction or alteration, without permission of the Department of Public Works.
      7.   Barricades, Lights, And Safeguards: It shall be the duty of the person or corporation doing any construction altering or wrecking work in the Village to do the same with proper care for the safety of persons and property. Warnings, barricades, and lights shall be maintained whenever necessary for the protection of pedestrians or traffic; and temporary roofs over sidewalks shall be constructed whenever there is danger from falling articles or materials to pedestrians.
      8.   Portable Restrooms: On every construction site, one portable restroom facility shall be provided for each forty (40) workers on the site with a minimum of one provided. These restrooms shall be cleaned and serviced as required to maintain them in proper working order and sanitary.
   (O)   Structures On Public Property Or Ways: No building or structure shall be constructed, erected or allowed to stand on public property or any public way including, but not limited to, streets, sidewalks, thoroughfares or easements. There will be no structures, fences, trees, shrubs, landscaping, or vegetation allowed in any drainage easement that would restrict the flow of water, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Village Administrator with the consent of the Village Engineer.
   (P)   Conflict: Any permit issued in conflict with the provisions of this title shall be void. Under no circumstances shall a permit of any type be issued for any lot which has not been recognized as a legal lot by the Village.
   (Q)   Commercial Projects: In addition to any permit fee required for a commercial project under this section, a developer shall deposit two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) with the Village to be held in escrow. The monies held in escrow shall be used to defray the cost of any third party review of engineering plans, stormwater plans, drainage plans, site plans, parking plans, lot coverage, setbacks, handicap accessibility, etc. In the event the monies held in escrow are expended and a review of the project is incomplete, an additional two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) shall be submitted to the Village before a review of the development will be continued. The Director of Building and Zoning shall have the discretion to require less than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) based upon the size of the project and his expectation of the costs necessary to complete a third party review. (Ord. O-11-17-1, 11-20-2017)