(A)   Air space zones. In order to carry out the purpose of this chapter, as set forth above, the following air space zones are hereby established: Primary Zone, Horizontal Zone, Conical Zone, Approach Zone, Precision Instrument Approach Zone and Transitional Zone. The locations and dimensions of these air space zones are as follows and as displayed in Exhibits B1, B2 and B3, except as provided for in § 154.17(C), at which time Exhibits C1, C2 and C3 shall illustrate the locations and dimensions of air space.
      (1)   Primary zone.
         (a)   All that land which lies directly under an imaginary primary surface longitudinally centered on a runway and: extending 200 feet beyond each end of Runway 15-33 until the runway is decommissioned. At that point, there shall be no primary zone for Runway 15-33; extending 200 feet beyond each end of Runway 16-34; and coinciding with each end of Runway 8-26.
         (b)   The elevation of any point on the primary surface is the same as the elevation of the nearest point on the runway centerline.
         (c)   The width of the primary surface is: 1,000 feet for Runway 16-34; 500 feet for Runway 15-33 until the runway is decommissioned. At that point, there shall be no primary zone for Runway 15-33; and 250 feet for Runway 8-26.
      (2)   Horizontal zone. All that land which lies directly under an imaginary horizontal surface 150 feet above the established airport elevation or a height of 1,197 feet above mean sea level, the perimeter of the Horizontal Zone is constructed by swinging arcs of 10,000 feet from the center of each end of the primary surface of Runway 16-34 and Runway 15-33 and connecting the adjacent arcs by lines tangent to those arcs. At a point when Runway 15-33 is decommissioned, there shall be no 10,000 foot arc associated with Runway 15-33 and the height of the horizontal zone associated with Runway 16-34 shall be 1,200 feet above mean sea level.
      (3)   Conical zone. All that land which lies directly under an imaginary conical surface extending upward and outward from the periphery of the horizontal surface at a slope of 20:1 for a horizontal distance of 4,000 feet as measured outward from the periphery of the horizontal surface.
      (4)   Approach zone. All that land which lies directly under an imaginary approach surface longitudinally centered on the extended centerline at each end of a runway. The inner edge of the approach surface is at the same width and elevation as, and coincides with, the end of the primary surface. The approach surface inclines upward and outward at a slope of: 34:1 for Runway 15-33 until the runway is decommissioned. At that point, there shall be no approach zone for Runway 15-33; and 20:1 for Runway 8-26. The approach surface expands uniformly to a width of: 3,500 feet for Runway 15-33 at a distance of 10,000 feet, then continues at the same rate of divergence to the periphery of the conical surface until the runway is decommissioned. At that point, there shall be no approach surface for Runway 15-33; and 1,250 feet for Runway 8-26 at a distance of 5,000 feet, then continues at the same rate of divergence to the periphery of the conical surface.
      (5)   Precision instrument approach zone. All that land which lies directly under an imaginary precision instrument approach surface longitudinally centered on the extended centerline at each end of Runway 16-34, a precision instrument runway. The inner edge of the precision instrument approach surface is at the same width and elevation as, and coincides with, the end of the primary surface. The precision instrument approach surface inclines upward and outward at a slope of 50:1 for a horizontal distance of 10,000 feet expanding uniformly to a width of 4,000 feet, then continues upward and outward for an additional horizontal distance of 40,000 feet at a slope of 40:1, expanding uniformly to an ultimate width of 16,000 feet.
      (6)   Transitional zone.
         (a)   All that land which lies directly under an imaginary surface extending upward and outward at right angles to the runway centerline and centerline extended at a slope of 7:1 from the sides of the primary surfaces and from the sides of the approach surfaces until they intersect the horizontal surface or the conical surface.
         (b)   Transitional surfaces for those portions of the precision instrument approach surface which project through and beyond the limits of the conical surface, extend a distance of 5,000 feet measured horizontally from the edge of the precision instrument approach surface and at right angles to the extended precision instrument runway centerline.
   (B)   Height restrictions. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, and except as necessary and incidental to airport operations, no structure or tree shall be constructed, altered, maintained or allowed to grow in any air space zone created in division (A) above so as to project above any of the imaginary air space surfaces described in division (A) above. Where an area is covered by more than one height limitation, the more restrictive limitation shall prevail.
   (C)   Boundary limitations. The air space obstruction height zoning restrictions set forth in this section shall apply for a distance not to exceed one and one-half miles beyond the perimeter of the airport boundary and in that portion of an airport hazard area under the approach zone for a distance not exceeding two miles from the airport boundary.
(Ord. passed 1-4-2012)